Fashion Magazine

Recipe: Burger Night (The Basics)

By Stilettosanddiaperbags @Sadbblog
In my home I cook everyday. Some days I use the crockpot, some days I use a recipe book, sometimes I just figure things out by trial and error, and other days I use my grandma's and mother's recipes and just alter them to fit our dietary needs. One of the most basic foods of summer is burgers. It's quick, easy, and when season properly it is darn good.  Ingredients:1 pound grass fed organic beef (local if possible) 1 teaspoon Sea salt1 teaspoon Black pepper1 teaspoon Garlic powder2 teaspoons Turmeric4 splashes of Worcestershire sauce photo hambergers_zps4a6246aa.jpg What to do:1) In a medium sized bowl, mix all ingredients by hand. 2) After they are combined separate into four equal parts. 3) Hand shape each burger (or you can use a burger press. I like to make less dishes and just hand shape).4) Grill. I grill over low heat for about 5 minutes on each side for medium-well burgers. We don't eat dairy often, but I decided to put cheese on mine and a gluten free bun.I ended up serving it with a spinach salad with tomato's, cucumber, and mushrooms from our local farmers market.  photo 292cb8d4-3fb7-43f8-9bf8-c175f82bb64b_zps0d86f970.jpg What do you think? Do you make your own burgers or buy pre formed patties? Obviously you could add fun things like avocado, bacon, stuffed with cheese, lettuce, onions, etc, but I wanted to just cover the basics. ;)

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