From 2003, a long article by Robert von Dassanowsky situating The Sound of Music in its historical context
From last August, John Gray on Elias Canetti's best work of fiction, his autobiography. Here's Geoffrey Hill's poem prompted by one of Canetti's other works, 'On Reading Crowds and Power'.
From last April, a new book on Musil, published by Continuum (and relating his work to recent continental theorists).
Mr. Waggish reflects on a paper by Burton Pike about Musil and language; and reflects on Ernest Gellner's Words and Things.
Daniel Hartley reflects on love in Rilke's Duino Elegies.
From A Common Reader, a note on the movie version of Joseph Roth's Legend of the Holy Drinker (which features Rutger Hauer), and a series of posts on Roth's Radetzky March.
From Philosophers Zone, Paul Mendes-Flohr on the work of Martin Buber.
The UNC Press blog has an article on Karl Polanyi's Great Transformation.
Leoš Janáček's Sinfonietta features prominently in Murakami's IQ84.
From the New York Public Library, Edmund de Waal in conversation with Paul Holdengraber: