Politics Magazine

Recent Poll Shows Life Is Harder For Nonwhites In The U.S.

Posted on the 17 August 2022 by Jobsanger
Recent Poll Shows Life Is Harder For Nonwhites In The U.S.
Recent Poll Shows Life Is Harder For Nonwhites In The U.S.
Recent Poll Shows Life Is Harder For Nonwhites In The U.S.
Recent Poll Shows Life Is Harder For Nonwhites In The U.S.
Recent Poll Shows Life Is Harder For Nonwhites In The U.S.
The charts above are from the NPR / Harvard School of Public Health Poll -- done between May 16th and June 13th of a nationwide sample of 4,192 adults. The margin of error at the 95% confidence interval is  2.8 percentage points for the total national results,  4.1 for White,  5.0 for Black,  5.1 for Latino,  6.7 for Asian, and  12.6 for Native American adults.

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