I’m really excited to announce the next incarnation of Long Awkward Pause.
Yes, you guessed it…we are turning into a erotic sex site! It will have all the usual stuff: erotic writing, sexy pictures, dancing teddy bears, sex toy reviews, tips on canning fruit…
We will be focusing on bringing you our style in more of a online magazine format with each columnist handling different topics.
Yes, no longer will you be forced to watch Mike Calahan write about twinkies!
You are all welcome.
Here is a preview of what November will bring:
Blogdramedy – That’s Entertainment Or Not!BD’s take on the liberal arts, past and present. Rants - What Sandpapers My Balls Rants doing what he does best…telling you like it is! Mike Calahan - From the Only Moderately Cluttered Desk of Mike Calahan Editorals/Opinions in the Calahan style that most of you are a fans of already. Myself – On A Side Note…My Interview With I’m kind of stepping out of my wheelhouse…mostly because I don’t have a wheelhouse…and will be interviewing people from all over the interwebs. Justin Gawel – Title To Be Announced
Editorals/Opinions. Justin’s take on stuff! In Justin’s world! In Justin’s way! Monk Monkey - Wake up to yourselves, you CHIMPS!
Giving you the best advice on taking care of your mind/body/health in a way that only a spiritual guru monkey can… Cordelia – Title To Be Announced An expert in food and beverage. This will not be your standard recipe how to page, but will cover a gambit of food related topics. Some even unexpected… Omawarisan – Title To Be Announced Editorals/Opinions. Everyone’s favorite retired humorist takes on life. Chowderhead - This Day in Pop Culture History Chowder’s unique take on the world of pop culture and entertainment. No one will be spared. I’m really excited about this new direction and hope you check out everyone’s articles every Monday and Friday starting November 1st. There will still be a spot for suggestions and we will also be looking for guest writers. A big thank you for those who have supported us from the beginning and we will see you at The Pause. (That’s what the cool kids call it.) 0.000000 0.000000
Tags: boobs, BrainRants, chowerhead, cordelia, funny, humor, justin gawel, long awkward pause, magazine, mike calahan, monk monkey, omawarisan, writing