Graduation season is almost upon us. It’s a time of change, excitement and accomplishment.
Of course, for the graduates, the months and weeks leading up to it can be summed up in one word—stress.
For those planning on continuing their education, there is no greater relief than receiving that coveted acceptance letter to their university of choice.
This weekend, nearly 900 undergrad applicants to UCLA received that official sigh of relief, only to find out that it wasn’t so official.
In an epic mishap, emails about financial aid were sent out to the over eager group of wait-listers. UCLA could not have picked a worse group if they had done it on purpose.
To make up for their mistake, UCLA offered another not-quite rejection, along with an apology. A gesture which I’m sure meant next to nothing to the twice disappointed applicants.
On the bright-side, nearly 900 high school seniors now have evidence to back up their “I turned down UCLA” story.
More on the Story: Washington Post
…just for fun: