
Reasons to Opt for a Public Health Degree in 2021

Posted on the 22 January 2021 by Shoumya Chowdhury

If there is one thing 2020 taught us, it is the value of our front line workers. These real-life heroes were our first line of defense against the nightmare of COVID-19. From nurses to doctors, everyone played their part in keeping the world spinning.

But another subcategory in healthcare was also the focus of 2020. The past year put the public health sector under the spotlight. People began to realize that both our health and our society are intrinsically intertwined. We began to question the role of the government in public health and the effect of social inequities.

As we turn a new page, these discussions become even more relevant in the future. The field of public health provides excellent opportunities to those who want to spearhead real change in 2021. There are other reasons why people opt for this sector. Let's recount some of the more common ones.

Job Security

Research suggests that jobs in public health will grow by 5-11% in the next decade. So, there will be an increase in demand than ever for public health executives in the future.

People are living for longer but with old age comes diseases. As the average global age increases, more people are going to be suffering from chronic illnesses. Indeed, chronic diseases claim more than half of the annual deaths as it is. Therefore, these patients will be in dire need of medical professionals to guide them in preventative measures.

With the pandemic claiming thousands of lives per year, global healthcare systems will also need public health professionals.

Become a Superhero

It's simple; the world needs more superheroes. But, not all superheroes wear capes. Most of them wear lab coats. Students and professionals attract more towards healthcare education. They can select a regular public health degree or choose an mph online degree to transform people's lives.

Public health professionals work to improve communal quality of life. They educate communities about preventive measures and to fend off illnesses locally, nationally, and globally. Furthermore, their work impacts millions of people across the world by providing long-term solutions to complex issues. Therefore, a job in this sector will be one of the most rewarding positions in the world.

Global Impact

You can make a global difference through a job in public health. As public health executives are in charge of policymaking, they can make an international presence.

Many international, regional, and global public health institutions guide how countries manage public health disasters. For example, during the pandemic, public health executives at WHO played a seminal role in developing strategies to minimize transmissions. The comprehensive plan developed by WHO was vital in saving the lives of billions of people from COVID-19.

Earn Money

All heroes need money to live, and positions in this division also pay well. Most of the jobs that require graduate-level degrees pay in six figures. The pay scale depends on where you work, with developed countries often paying more than under-developed countries.

However, experience, time, and your degree may also affect the pay scale. Recruiters usually prefer people with more experience and advanced degrees.

You, Will, Have a Lot of Opportunities

Healthcare is a diverse sector with more than sixty different specializations to offer. From clinical positions to legal work, there is something for everyone. Since the ladder to the top of the healthcare sector is not linear, you can do whatever your heart desires. You can choose to work in a school, a laboratory or even a firm.

Furthermore, unlike other professions getting a specialized degree does not necessarily limit your future. For example, you can easily make the switch from clinician to executive. Most pharma companies have former clinicians in executive positions.

What we are trying to say is that in the healthcare sector, the sky is the limit.

Find Work Anywhere

Unlike other professions, medical knowledge is very similar no matter where you go. Not only can you study anywhere, but you can also work anywhere in the world.

But you might face a language barrier in non-English speaking countries. And since patient communication is vital for patient satisfaction and experience, you must keep that in mind. Therefore, you must plan for such an eventuality and learn the local language.

Additionally, some countries require medical students and practitioners to learn the local language for licensing and admission. Indeed, international medical students in China must learn Chinese in their first year of university.

Solve Complex Problems

A vital portion of public health is about trying to solve evolving public health problems. Many graduates work in clinical settings to conduct experiments and develop new ways to combat diseases. Making discoveries about your body can be a thrilling and wonderful experience.

But not everything in this sector has to be clinical work. Some public health executives use cutting edge technology to solve pressing health concerns. Biostatisticians use data and statistics to investigate issues and find feasible solutions.

Indeed, public health workers are the problem solvers of the medical industry.

Conclusion People who enroll in public health programs have one thing in common; they are passionate about helping people. This program takes a multi-disciplinary approach to the world's leading health problems. So, not only are you creating new knowledge, but you are also meeting new people. Additionally, a career in public health can be rewarding as there are multiple benefits. Those people who want to change the lives of millions should consider public health

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