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Reasons for Dog Vaccination

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
dog vaccination

Dogs, like every other mammal, are susceptible to certain viral diseases, some of which can prove fatal, While hey will not pass these on to humans – apart from rabies – they will transfer them to other dogs, and also cats in the case of Bb bacterium, that’s responsible for kennel cough.

Just recently, news outlets in the Washington, D.C. area have reported that the Maryland Department of Agriculture identified six dogs infected with canine influenza in Montgomery County last week, and two of the sick dogs have died.

The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association cautions dog owners in the area to be on the lookout for signs of the highly contagious disease, which can cause an acute respiratory infection.

It’s advisable to have your dog vaccinated for the following reasons:

  • to help prevent him dying prematurely
  • to help prevent spread of disease
  • to help eliminate canine viral disease
  • to enable you to book your dog into a boarding kennels when you go on vacations
  • to enable you to travel abroad with your dog if needed
  • to enable you to enter your dog into dog shows and agility competitions

Every dog owner needs to know the importance of getting dog vaccinations, as well as knowing when to vaccinate.

dog vaccination

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