I love college football! It's one of my favorite times of year. I get that no everyone LOVES sports as much as I do, but there is the opportunity to engage with people. ESPN College Game DayFirst off, I would like to thank Texas A&M for not suspending "Johnny Football" for his signing autographs to a broker. If they would have Game Day would have been at Arizona State against Wisconsin. Seriously!! That would have been amazing to be part of that. If you don't like football watching this will make you sound somewhat normal during the day upto the start of the game. TailgatingI love tailgating in Arizona. It's great because it's always hot here! Tailgating as an adult is a lot of different than as a college student. Also we travel a lot so we get to experience tailgating at all the different regions. Tailgating in SEC Country aka God's Country is way different than tailgating at Iowa State. My favorite is all the games to play. My favorite is Hillbilly Golf and Bags. Word VomitI can't help myself on this one. I know sports and sports facts so when you say something wrong I will most likely call you out on it. Sorry! Sometimes it is just fun friendly competition, and sometimes it is straight mean. For example last year USC played the school in south arizona. We wanted to go see them play, and happened to be wearing USC colors. (I will NEVER wear the other schools colors unless one of us gets a job there. doubtful.) Back to the story USC lost and we just wanted to leave. We didn't say anything to anyone, and these fans were just being rude. Talking so much crap and getting in my face. Fashion SenseMy clothing is simple because I usually wear track shorts and a t-shirt. Growing up in the south you would think that I would be better dresser than that. Sorry to disappoint but I'm comfy over cute. Watch PartiesNot all the games are at home, so what to do when your team is away. Iowa State watch games at Buffalo Wild Wings. Living in Arizona there are several Nebraska and Iowa bars around here. At these games it is a great way to meet new people and cheer on your team. Football PantsBeing married I'm not going to into this more, but seriously I'm not going to complain. Weekend There is always a game going on that affects your game. The closer to the holidays the more you need to make sure your team wins and other teams lose. Bowl GamesAsk any Iowa fan why it's important to finish with at least 6 wins. They will tell you because they will go to a bowl game somewhere warm in December. For example, the past several years Iowa plays in the Outback Bowl against a SEC team. Have you been in Iowa in December? It's not fun so of course let's go to Florida. I think that I gave you several reasons to sit back and enjoy the weekend and watch a little football.