I’d like to thank Book Huntress’ World for this nomination! If you haven’t yet, please check out this neat blog.
The Rules:
- Thank and link the blogger that nominated you.
- Answer the 7 questions that the nomination has provided you.
- Create 7 questions for your nominees.
- Nominate 7 other bloggers.
Do you read non-fiction books?
I seldom read non-fiction. On the few occasions I read non-fiction it is usually biographies.
Which book or series do you consider a must-read?
The Lord of The Rings by J. R .R. Tolkien
How do you pick your next book to read?
From several sources, Goodreads, Publisher’s Weekly, book blogs, etc…
Do you use bookmarks, or dog-ear?
Bookmarks, of course
Do you read beautiful passages a number of times, to savor like a wine tester?
Do you drop the book if you are not engaged in first 50 pages?
I don’t have a set rule for when to drop a book. I have given up on books in the first chapters as well as half-way through the story.
Which book would you most like to see done as a movie?
I don’t usually like movie adaptations of books, with very rare exceptions.
My Nominees: (If you are not into awards or tags or if you have already received this award, please disregard!)
- Hard Book Habit
- Drizzle and Hurricane Books
- Bookideas
- The Blank Garden
- About a A Book
- Wandering World
- Page Chronicles
My Questions for the nominees:
What’s your favorite book of all-time?
What’s your favorite book quote?
What’s your favorite book cover?
What’s your favorite author?
What’s your book pet-peeve?
If you could, what book character would you be?
What’s the title of the latest book that you were not able to finish?