
Real-Life Weight Loss Journey: I Lost 35 Kilos in 1 Year with Intermittent Fasting And Power Yoga

Posted on the 02 June 2022 by Geetikamalik

Journey of Weight Loss Real Life: Diet Weight loss and weight loss are the most sought after things on Google. Staying fit requires a lot of work, especially when junk food is just an application. It takes months and attempts to achieve the desired results. Saying no on your favorite food to exercise 5 days a week, requires discipline and hard work. Aakriti Kalra began the journey of weight loss after giving birth to a baby. He was overweight 40 kilos when he decided to release all extra kilos to achieve the ideal weight destination. Kalra lost 35 kg by following a diet and routine exercise. Read the story of his inspiring weight loss. Also Read – 5 Shocking Benefits of Removing Milk You Should Know

Weight loss and motivation for weight loss: I started my fitness and weight loss after giving birth to my baby when I was overweight 40 kg. It was a challenging time when I faced many health problems at the age of 25 and it was a resurrection for me to consider my health seriously. Also Read – Weight Loss: How to Manage Desires When Losing Kilo Shares?

I dedicate myself completely to lose weight I not only to look good but also to encourage myself to a healthier lifestyle and take one year to finally be able to lose 35 kg and achieve the goal of my ideal weight. Also Read – Weight Loss Tip: Do you lose inch but don’t lose weight? Nutritionists explain the reason

From the beginning, I was motivated to lose weight not because of appearance but for the body and a healthier lifestyle.

Every time I used to check my weight and see changes in numbers, it will motivate me to encourage myself and that change has been my biggest source of motivation for one year to finally reach my target weight. It is always a dream to see myself wearing a medium t-shirt, but I never thought that I would be able to fit in very small things!

Weight loss diet: When I started my journey, I was not aware of intermittent fasting in 2016. So when my nutritionist told me to have dinner at 5 pm, I was surprised. Initially, it was difficult for me to control, but when I began to see the results, I believe in his strength. Fasting for 16 hours every day without failure, be it traveling, partying, attending weddings and also holidays, this must be a lifestyle now. The next thing is to stop eating fine flour, fried food, junk food, candy, and aeration drinks.

Breakfast: One cup slim milk with a handful of cereals (muesli or wheat flakes)
Mid Day: One Bowl of Green Salad
Lunch: one bread (whole wheat) with sabji and a bowl of dadih
Snack: Almonds around 5 ‘’ ’Biscuits with tea
Dinner: 2 egg white eggs or clear soup or a glass of smoothie
And at least 3 liters of water

What Worked For Me: I believe that weight loss journeys are different for all but in my case, a balance of diet and exercise did wonder. With intermittent fasting, daily exercises, and simple lifestyle changes, I was able to see the results. However, fad diets and unrealistic expectations from my body really demotivated me and that’s something I won’t think did great.

After losing weight, Aakriti also started taking interest in the science behind food and what it takes to have a healthy lifestyle. Taking interest wasn’t only the key, she went all out-studied nutrition, interned with Nishi Grover and also took a few specialised certificates for the same. Today we all remember Nishi Grover, but her learning is with Aakriti and she is the proud founder of her wellness centre, CONTOUR ME where she spills her magic and gets you fit!

Weight loss and cheating food: I am very dedicated to my weight loss and health that I actually will not plan cheating food and be able to control my wishes. But sometimes I will enjoy my usual favorite to satisfy my uncertain desires- like dark chocolate.

The food that I stopped to achieve the goal of weight loss: If there is one thing that I remove from my diet then it is sugar. I made sure that my daily food intake did not have sugar levels, and I really embraced it to reach my target weight. I prefer to eat bigger than a few spoonfuls of Halwa!

Weight loss routine and exercise: Initially, I held fast to a rather simple daily exercise and running activities. Honestly for the first few days, it was rather difficult for my body to adjust to the same but gradually my body began to build stamina and be empowered. Soon after, I lost 15 kg when I started doing more activities such as Yoga Power and strength training. With an increase in stamina and body flexibility, I can integrate a somewhat higher intensity exercise that helps me with the diet that I follow to further encourage me on the course of my weight loss.

Weight loss mantra: I believe weight loss is a lifestyle change rather than action. If someone is ready to change their lifestyle and make aware choice, then their weight loss journey starts from that day and so on. In addition, I believe that most of us have a lot of knowledge about weight loss and the best health practice but what can help more is motivation and dedication solely to be consistent so far.

What was successful for me: I believe that the journey of weight loss is different for all except in my case, the balance of diet and exercise really wonder. With intermittent fasting, daily training, and simple lifestyle changes, I can see the results. However, the Fad diet and unrealistic hope from my body were completely motivated by me and that was something I would not think great.

After losing weight, Aakriti also began to be interested in the science behind food and what was needed to have a healthy lifestyle. Interested not only the key, he left all the nutrients learned, internated by Nishi Grover and also took some special certificates for the same thing. Today we all remember Nishi Grover, but the learning is with Aakriti and he is the founder who is proud of his health center, my contour where he spills his magic and makes you fit! decided to bring the story of a real life weight loss for our readers who will inspire you to finally register to the gym membership or start making yoga an active part of your lifestyle. If you have an extraordinary weight loss story that inspires people to stay healthy, write to us in our social media grip to be displayed and we will contact you!

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