Arts & Crafts Magazine

Ready for Expo

By Sewchicago @sewchicago

Ready for Expo Ready for Expo

The ASG Chicago booth is ready for Expo 2012. This year we have three fabulous prize baskets for our new member drawing, one for each day of Expo. Tina chose gift collections for the Modern Quilter, the Modern Sewist and the Felter. That pretty much covers everyone.

Ready for Expo

We have some sample projects on Susan’s garment rack, and room for many more that we’re hoping members will drop off before dashing to class. That’s Sharleen’s stripe challenge jacket in the front. This year we’re labeling the samples so you can see who made them and get some information about how they were made.

Ready for Expo

Wanda loaned us one of her fabulous evening gowns. This one has a free lace insert down the back. Wait until you see it in person. It looks great on Susan’s dress form.

We also have information about all our upcoming events and new Neighborhood Groups. And, we’re taking suggestions for where to start even more Neighborhood Groups and when to hold the meetings.

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