I started a Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher (RCYT) training course this week, and so it’s not been a big week for reading. The only new book I acquired and have begun reading is that course’s text, Yoga Education for Children, Vol. 1. That book is put out by the Bihar School (Swami Satyananda), which has done a vast amount of work and research about educating children through yoga.

I will probably finish Mary Bond’s The New Rules of Posture over the weekend, which I only have two chapters left to complete. I discussed that book in last week’s reading report.

Other than that I’ve been plugging away at some of the books that I’ve mentioned in previous reports when I have a moment here or there. It’s been sort of a technical week for reading. I hope to have more to say next week.
By B Gourley in Books, Movement, Reading, yoga on March 20, 2015.