Qur’an is to supposed to steer believers on the right path; to explain them the correct order of lives;
it teaches ways to distinguish between the right and the wrong, and it define morals. It elucidates how to judge between conflicts,
details distribution of wealth amongst family members,
describes sin – its reasons and punishment,
details out the rewards for good deeds – the Gardens of Paradise,
clearly elucidate the roles and responsibilities of ours as a child, parent, sibling, leader, king or whatever role that comes in the category of us humans. Allah, the one-God, says in [20:100-102]: Thus do We relate to thee the tidings of what has happened before.
And We have given thee from Us a Reminder. Whoso turns away from it will surely bear a heavy burden on the Day of Resurrection, Abiding thereunder; and evil will the burden be to them on the Day of Resurrection, [42:8] Thus have We revealed to thee the Qur’an …that thou mayest warn them of the Day of Gathering whereof there is no doubt: A party will be in the Garden, and a party in the blazing Fire.
![Allah Allah](https://m5.paperblog.com/i/72/721048/read-spread-the-holy-quran-in-53-languages-L-Sx26yj.jpeg)
If we had sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, thou wouldst certainly have seen it humbled and rent asunder for fear of Allah. (Ch.59:V.22) [4:27-28] Allah desires to make clear to you, and guide you to, the paths of those before you, and to turn to you in mercy. Based on the beauties, verities and unlimited treasures, the Holy Qur’an is a perennial miracle. The Holy Prophet (saw) once said:
![Read & Spread the Holy Qur’an – In 53 Languages Read & Spread the Holy Qur’an – In 53 Languages](https://m5.paperblog.com/i/72/721048/read-spread-the-holy-quran-in-53-languages-L-G9bARc.jpeg)
‘Before me, every Prophet was given a miracle and I have been given the permanent miracle of the Qur’an till the Hour is established, so I hope that my followers will be more in number than all the other Messengers’ as my miracle will last till the Day of Resurrection, and it is a Glorious Book; when anyone reads it, even if he is a pagan, he is convinced that it is produced by none but by the Creator of the heavens and the earth.’ (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 1) The Promised Messiah(as) has said:
![Read & Spread the Holy Qur’an – In 53 Languages Read & Spread the Holy Qur’an – In 53 Languages](https://m5.paperblog.com/i/72/721048/read-spread-the-holy-quran-in-53-languages-L-kBLqRD.jpeg)
‘The clear miracle of the Holy Qur’an which can manifest itself to every people and by presenting which we can silence every one, whether an Indian, or a Persian or a European or an American, is the unlimited treasury of insights and verities and wisdoms, which are expounded in every age according to its need and stand as armed soldiers to refute the thinking of every age. If the Holy Qur’an had been limited in its verities and insights it would not have amounted to a perfect miracle. Beauty of composition is not a matter the miraculous nature of which can be appreciated by every literate and illiterate person. The clear miracle of the Holy Qur’an is the unlimited insights and fine points which it comprises…Bear it in mind that the miracle of unlimited insights and verities which are contained in the Holy Qur’an has accomplished more in every age than has the sword.’ [Izalah-I-Auham; Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 3, pp.305-320]
Given all these wonderful names and special qualities of the Holy Qur’an and many others, Promised Messiah(as) wrote:
‘The Qur’an was sent down for the purpose of making the human race one flock and one nation. And now conditions have been created in which different peoples shall be united into one great nation…All this has been foretold in the Holy Qur’an which says that it has been sent to all the peoples of the world.’ (Chashma-i‑Ma’rifat, p.68)
Dr. Abdus Salam, the Ahmadi Muslim Nobel Laureate in Physics explained:
![Read & Spread the Holy Qur’an – In 53 Languages Read & Spread the Holy Qur’an – In 53 Languages](https://m5.paperblog.com/i/72/721048/read-spread-the-holy-quran-in-53-languages-L-o11Mmy.jpeg)
“Seven hundred and fifty verses of the Holy Qur’an – (almost one eighth of the Book) – exhort believers to study Nature, to reflect, to make the best use of reason in their search for the ultimate and to make the acquiring of knowledge and scientific comprehension part of the community’s life.” Now, let us try reading… THE FINAL BOOK OF UNIVERSAL LAW: أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم Transliteration: A’udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim
Meaning: I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Transliteration: Bismillähir-rahmänir-rahïm
Meaning: In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
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[44:59] And We have made it (the Qur’an) easy in thy tongue that they may give heed. =========================== FRENCH QURAN Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in French @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=FR [45:13-14] Allah it is Who has subjected the sea to you that ships may sail thereon by His command, and that you may seek of His bounty, and that you may be grateful. And He has subjected to you whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth: all this is from Him. In that surely are Signs for a people who reflect. =========================== GREEK QURAN Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Greek language @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=GK [46:3] The revelation of this Book is from Allah, the [One-God] Mighty, the Wise. =========================== HINDI QURAN Haqaiqul Furqan by Khalifatul Masih I (ra) @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=H1 [46:13] And before it there was the Book of Moses, a guide and a mercy; and this is a Book in the Arabic language fulfilling previous prophecies, that it may warn those who do wrong; and as glad tidings to those who do good. Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Hindi @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=HI [53:5] It [The Holy Qur’an] is nothing but pure revelation that has been revealed by God. =========================== JAPANESE QURAN Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Japanese @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=JP [54:33] And indeed We have made the Qur’an easy to understand and to remember. But is there anyone who would receive admonition? Recite Holy Quran – the Sacred Scripture in Japanese @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Japanese.pdf The Holy Qur’an is Al-Majid, the Glorious; Al-Karim, the Noble that grants man a dignified and honorable bearing; Al-Mubarak, the Blessed, that helps man to live a rich, full and abundantly blessed life. =========================== HEBREW QURAN God’s message to Mankind in Hebrew @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Hebrew-3-Surahs.pdf The Holy Qur’an is a grand and glorious Word of God. It is (al-Kitab) the Preserved Book; As Allah says: Therein are the lasting commandments/Teachings. (Ch.98:V.4) =========================== ALBANIAN QURAN Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Albanian @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Albanian.pdf 14:2: This is a Book which We have revealed to thee that thou mayest bring mankind out of the depths of darkness into light, by the command of their Lord, to the path of the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Albanian @http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=AL [38:30] This is a Book which We have revealed to thee, full of blessings, that they may reflect over its verses, and that those gifted with understanding may take heed. =========================== ARABIC (SPOKEN) Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in simple spoken Arabic @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=AR [39:2-3] The revelation of this Book is from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise. Surely it is We Who have revealed the Book to thee with truth; so worship Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience. Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Arabic language @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-SimpleArabic.pdf [31:3-4] These are verses of the Book of Wisdom; A guidance and a mercy for those who do good; =========================== BENGALI QURAN Holy Quran in Bangla and Bengali language @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=BN [39:28] And, indeed, We have set forth to men all kinds of parables in this Qur’an that they may take heed. =========================== Quran in DANISH Language Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Danish @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=DA [41:4-5] A Book, the verses of which have been expounded in detail — the Qur’an in clear, eloquent language — for a people who have knowledge, A bringer of glad tidings and a warner. But most of them turn away and they hear not. The Holy Quran in Danish @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Danish.pdf Every eternal truth relating to Divine knowledge which is needed by man is been included in the Holy Qur’an. And, indeed, We have set forth for mankind all manner of parables in this Qur’an that they may take heed. (Ch.39:V.28) =========================== ORIYA Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Oriya @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=OR [85:22] Nay, but it is a glorious Qur’an, In a well guarded tablet. [86:14-15] It is surely a decisive word, And it is not a useless talk. Oriyan Quran for my family in Orissa @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Oriya.pdf 39: 24. ALLAH has sent down the Best Discourse – a Book, whose verses are mutually supporting and repeated in diverse forms. The skins of those, who fear their Lord, do creep at its recital, then their skins and their hearts soften to the remembrance of ALLAH. Such is the guidance of ALLAH. HE guides therewith whom HE pleases. And he whom ALLAH adjudges astray – he shall have no guide. =========================== PASHTO Holy Quran in Pashto for my family in Pakhtunkhwa @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Pashto.pdf [43:3-5] WE cite as evidence this perspicuous Book [The Holy Qur’an], WE have made it a Book to be oft read in clear, eloquent language that you may understand. And, surely, it is safe with US in the Mother of the Book, exalted and full of wisdom. =========================== MARATHI Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Marathi @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=MT [72:2] Say, “It has been revealed to me that a company of the Jinn listened, and they said: ‘Truly we have heard a Qur’an that is wonderful, =========================== MANIPURI Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Manipuri @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=MP [56:81] That this is indeed a noble Qur’an, In a well-preserved Book, which none shall touch except those who are purified. It is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds. Holy Quran in Manipuri for my family in Manipur @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Manipuri.pdf [2:3] This is a perfect Book; there is no doubt in it; it is a guidance for the righteous; [56:78] The Holy Qur’an contains every big and small information and guidelines on every matter that we might come across in our life or those which we need for our moral and spiritual advancement, including every beneficial, universal and eternal principle and precept from the earlier scriptures. =========================== LUGANDA Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Luganda @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Luganda.pdf The Holy Qur’an fulfills the revelation of Moses (as) told ages ago: ‘a fiery law’ from Deuteronomy 33:2 | These are the Signs of Allah which We rehearse unto thee with truth. In what word, then, after rejecting the Word of Allah and His Signs, will they believe? (The Holy Quran, 45:7) =========================== ASANTE TWI Read the Holy Quran, Gods own message to his creation in Asante Twi @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Asante.pdf The Qur’an is the last divine scripture for mankind. It is the final revealed Book or the guidance of humanity, and is intended for all peoples of all times. Its laws are of universal and permanent character and they admit of no change or amendment. The Qur’an itself lays claim, in no ambiguous terms, to being the final and most perfect code of all revealed laws. =========================== Assamese The Holy Qur’an, – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Assamese @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Assamese.pdf “We have left out nothing in the Book. (Ch.6:V.39) Therein are the everlasting teachings. (Ch.98:Vs.3-4) It is a decisive word, And it is not a useless talk. (Ch.86:Vs.14-15)” =========================== CZECH Read the Holy Quran in Czech Language @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Czech.pdf The Holy Qur’an is Al-Huda, the Guide, the perfect scripture that guides man to attain the highest ranks, righteousness and the highest degree of God-consciousness =========================== GERMAN Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in German @ http://www.ahmadiyya.de/der-heilige-koran.html In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2:3-4: This is a perfect Book; there is no doubt in it; it is a guidance for the righteous, who believe in the unseen and observe Prayer and spend out of what We have provided for them; =========================== GUJARATI The Mighty Quran in Gujarati Language @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Gujarati.pdf The Holy Qur’an is Al-Nur, the Light; [10:2] …These are the verses of the Book that is full of wisdom. (54:6) Consummate wisdom; A cure for the souls; (86:14) Surely, the Qur’an is a decisive word. =========================== KOREAN Know the reason for your existence: Read Holy Quran the message of your Lord in Korean @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Korean.pdf The Holy Qur’an is Al Hukm, The Judgment; Al Mau’izah, The Admonition; Al Rahmat, The Mercy; The Holy Qur’an is a compilation of all the holy books that were scattered throughout the earth. =========================== KASHMIRI Understand Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Kashmiri @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Kashmiri.pdf The Holy Qur’an is Al-Mutahharah, the Purified, and is the source to purify and cleanse man of the dross and dirt of sin and transgression. Al Dhikr, The Exposition; Al Tanzil, The Revelation; Al Hikmat, The Wisdom; Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Kashmiri @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=KS “[55:1-5] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. It is God, the Gracious who has taught the Qur’an. He has created man. He has taught him plain speech. ” =========================== KANNADA Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Kannada @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Kannada.pdf The Holy Qur’an is Al-Burhan, the Clear Argument and Proof; Al-Bayan, the Clear Exposition; Al-Hikmah, the Wisdom; =========================== SPANISH Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Spanish @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=ES [44:3-5] By this perspicuous Book. Truly, We revealed it in a blessed Night. Truly, We have ever been warning against evil. In it all wise things are decided. Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – for the people of Spain @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Spanish.pdf [14:2-3] Alif Lam Ra. This is a Book which We have revealed to thee that thou mayest bring mankind out of every kind of darkness into light, by the command of their Lord, to the path of the Mighty, the Praiseworthy — Allah, to Whom belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. And woe to the disbelievers for a terrible punishment. =========================== SINHALA Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Sinhala @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Sinhala-10-Parts.pdf [13:2] … These are verses of the Book. And that which has been revealed to thee from thy Lord is the truth, but most men believe not. [13:38] And thus have We revealed it as a clear judgment. [11:3] It teaches that you should worship none but Allah. I am to you a Warner, and a bearer of glad tidings from Him; =========================== English The Holy Qur’an, – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in English @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=EN [42:53-54] And thus have We revealed to thee the Word by Our command. Thou didst not know what the Book was, nor what the faith. But We have made it (the revelation) a light, whereby We guide such of Our servants as We please. And truly, thou guidest mankind to the right path: The path of Allah, to Whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. Behold! to Allah do all things return. English Translation of the Holy Quran @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/?page=1®ion=EN&CR= [35:32] And the Book which We have revealed to thee is the truth itself, fulfilling that which is before it. Surely, Allah is All-Aware, All-Seeing with respect to His servants. Understand the Holy Quran – God’s own message to his people in English @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Short-Commentary.pdf [27:2-3] These are verses of the Qur’an, and of an illuminating Book, a guidance and good tidings to those who would believe; [38:2] By the Qur’an, full of exhortation, it is Our revealed word. =========================== CHINESE Quran in Chinese Language for our people in China – Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Chinese @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/?page=1®ion=CN [32:3-4] The revelation of the Book — there is no doubt about it — is from the Lord of the worlds. Do they say, ‘He has forged it?’ Nay, it is the truth from thy Lord, that thou mayest warn a people to whom no Warner has come before thee, that haply they may follow guidance. =========================== VIETNAMESE The Holy Qur’an, – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Vietnamese @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Vietnamese.pdf [18:28-29] And recite what has been revealed to thee of the Book of thy Lord. There is none who can change His words, and thou wilt find no refuge beside Him. And keep thyself attached to those who call on their Lord, morning and evening, seeking His pleasure; and let not thy eyes pass beyond them, seeking the adornment of the life of the world; and obey not him whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his evil inclinations, and his case exceeds all bounds. =========================== TURKISH Read Holy Quran in Turkish language for my people in Turkey @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Turkish.pdf [17:10] Surely, this Qur’an guides to what is most right; and gives to the believers who do good deeds the glad tidings that they shall have a great reward. [21:51] And this is a blessed Reminder that We have sent down; will you then reject it? =========================== SWEDISH Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Swedish @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Swedish.pdf [16:99] And when thou recitest the Qur’an, seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected. [6:100] Surely, he has no power over those who believe and who put their trust in their Lord. [16:101] His power is only over those who make friends with him and who set up equals to Him. =========================== SINDHI Holy Quran in Sindhi language for the people of Sindh @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Sindhi.pdf There is nothing on this earth more beautiful and glorious than the Holy Qur’an. It is an inexhaustible treasure which will continue to disclose more of its hidden beauties with each passing generation – no generation can exhaust its beauty. – The Promised Messiah =========================== URDU Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Urdu @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=UR [41:3] This is a revelation from the Gracious, the Merciful. =========================== TELUGU Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Telugu @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=TL [27:7] Verily, thou hast been given the Qur’an from the presence of One Wise, All-Knowing. =========================== RUSSIAN Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Russian Language @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/tafseer/guide.htm?region=RU This is, indeed, a noble Qur’an, [56: 79] In a well-preserved Book. [98: 4] Wherein are lasting commandments. =========================== PORTUGUESE Portuguese Quran for our people in Portugal | Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Portuguese @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Portuguese.pdf [6:156] And this is a Book which WE have sent down; full of blessings. So follow it, and guard against evils that you may be shown mercy; =========================== POLISH Holy Quran in Polish language for our people in Poland | Read Holy Quran – Message to Mankind from Lord Almighty – in Polish @ http://www.alislam.org/quran/Holy-Quran-Polish.pdf [6: 93] And this is a Book which WE have revealed, full of blessings, to fulfill that which preceded it, and to enable thee to warn the Mother of towns and those around her. And those, who believe in the Hereafter, believe therein and they strictly observe their Prayers. =========================== Allah says: [50:46] We know best what they say; and thou hast not been appointed to compel them in any way. So admonish, by means of the Qur’an, him who fears My warning. [42:16] To this, then, do thou invite mankind. Allah says (in the Holy Qur’an, Aal-e-`Imran: 105), “And let there be among you a few who should invite (humanity) towards goodness.”… And who is better in speech than he who invites men to Allah and does good works and says, ‘I am surely of those who submit.’ [41:34] And lets pray: O Lord, accept this from me; for Thou art the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing; ~*~
Special Thanks to Salma Javid Khan Source The Holy Qur’an App for mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android and Windows Phone 7) & Qur’an Translations in 53 different languages. To download the App, please go to alislam.org/apps