The Good Wife: 5x20 The Deep Web.
Ugh, I don't even know TGW.
Stuff happens. Bitcoins. Silk road.
In TGW's Silk Road episode, the grandson of one of their biggest clients is found to have connections to the site, traceable through Bitcoins (and by our new friend and recent SA candidate Finn Polmar). Maybe he's just a cog, maybe he is the founder of the thing, we just don't know, never underestimate the innocent-seeming ones, especially when bodies start turning up. Before we find out, Diane has to hand off the case because she knows too much. Louis Canning is dying and still, whatever he's doing at LG is going to screw them over. Diane is glorious.
Meanwhile, Alicia struggles with the TV. Oh technology. And almost ends up going on a date with THAT guy, and realizes she isn't even remotely at a place yet where she can even consider it.