Family Magazine

Ravensburger Puzzle Party

By Evette Garside @evette77

Last week we hosted our Puzzle Party, held on behalf of Ravensburger.

We were sent over a very large box containing lots of kids puzzles of varying age groups, along with some party bags and activities. I did take a photograph of everything in the box but unfortunately it's disappeared. I do however have a picture of the box half full so you can see some of what was inside.

Ravensburger Puzzle Party
I was advised to invite 6, but there are so many children on my street and I felt it unfair to only choose 3 (along with my 3 kids) so they all came and in total I had about 10 kids in my house.

Ryan pretty much did a lot of the games his self with me helping, he does like to take over. After greeting guests the first activity was for the younger children to look at and make the jigsaws.

Ravensburger Puzzle Party

Izebella really enjoys the jigsaws which she now has. She can easily complete the Farmyard Friends for 2 year olds and also "The Nightgarden" aimed at 3 year olds which contains 4 puzzles in one box.

A game of pass the parcel followed and of course the prize was....... Another jigsaw.

Ravensburger Puzzle Party

Then onto a puzzle battle for the older ones and who could finish first. Would it be the Frozen team or Minions.

Ravensburger Puzzle Party

And the Minons team were the winners. All this puzzle building was bound to make the little guests very hungry, luckily there was plenty of party food and drinks waiting for them.

Ravensburger Puzzle Party

After lunch activities were much easier and consisted of colouring and making own jigsaws With included paper cut outs.

Ravensburger Puzzle Party

Each guest left with a goody bag and a jigsaw to keep. We were sent so many jigsaws that we now have a cupboard full of our own too. Enough to keep us busy for the remainder of the Summer holidays.

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