Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Rat Catcher

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

Rat Catcher one of those jobs people don’t do anymore. I must admit, most of those jobs were tough and I wouldn’t want to do them either. The grossest one was used teeth salesperson, yuuuuuck. Times do change thank goodness and new and better jobs will always pop up. It’s like doing Pest Control in Arizona when the temperature is over 115 degrees, I know it’s a dry heat.

So what new jobs will be available, robots will be doing more and more. Fast food employees will be done away with by mechanical systems, taxi drivers eliminate by self driving cars etc. When I was in Seattle at Pestworld a few years ago, they had a GPS self driven device to scare away birds at airports so a Pest technician might be replaced but that’s a long time away I believe.

Rat Catcher

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