Current Magazine

Rapper Illogic Pens Poem About Asheville After Recent Visit, Thymes Also Writes a Rhyme

Posted on the 29 July 2013 by Citizenthymes @citizenthymes

Scooped this from Asheville Reddit. Rapper Illogic performed at Timo’s House over the weekend and penned the following poem after witnessing the chaos that is Bele Chere:

Strollers pushed by teenage mothers and or nuclear family members
Mimes painted silver frozen for change
Violins loop as a tilt a whirl whirling notes of a tomorrow remembered
Sun dresses kids in khaki shorts and tanks
Topless matriarchs bear their hearts cage screaming freedom
Intellectuals discuss philosophy on street corners no matter how misguided or off kilter they seem
Off key karaoke religious zealots only sharing the anger of God and forfeiting his love loosing souls with fear camouflaging their message.
Only on a beautiful day in Asheville.

Bele Chere apparently struck a poetry nerve with others as Reddit user MannieDex penned this wordy epic:

A canvas painted
even more vividly than usual
with performers,
and plastered pedestrians:

Ah, Bele Chere,
Again you paint your strange tableau
Et il est temps de danser nouveau.

Sales, exchanges, commerce, trade
Street Performers,
Street blockades.

Out of sorts out-of-towners;
Out of energy.
Out of beer.

Just visiting shocked gawkers
Just stunned.
Just here.

Just traveling craft hawkers
Just like
Last year.

Big Stages
First Aid stations.
Big tents,
Big expectations.

Grifters, Drifters, fervid sun

Tips in hats.
Of hats.
Of Drunks.

Body funk.

Craft beer swilling
And refilling,
And refilling.
Lots and lots of aimless milling.

Ah, ma Bele Chere,
Allons-nous danser
Une fois de plus?
Or will this be
the final dance
With you?

I took my own shot at a Bele Chere poem:

Oh Bele Chere,

Unshowered without a care

I can’t believe this is the last fair

May you shine forever like Nair

Or find a corporate whore to keep up your affair

Does Bele Chere inspire some poetry in you?

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