Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) It is back in India after a long wait. Recently the Government of India has removed the ban on it. Players who loved the popular battle royale game will now be able to play the game again. It has been brought again after a long wait of almost nine months. To increase the rank easily in the game, players have to take care of many things. After the ban is lifted, if you also want to increase your rank in BGMI immediately, then read the article here. Some tips have been given for this.
Keep these things in mind to increase your rank in BGMI
Always focus on strategy
Always have a strategy before entering a fight and pay attention to what is needed for a particular match. Having the right strategy is very important to win the game in BGMI. Before starting the game, make a strategy keeping all the factors in mind.
play with regular teammates
Playing games with regular teammates is essential to progressing your ranking in Squad Mode. Playing with the same team for several days allows you to understand the skills of your teammates. This will allow you to create your own strategy and switch based on the role in weapon combat once BGMI is unbanned.
Always keep essentials with you
Before entering any fight, make sure that you and your team have all the useful items. BGMI gives players several items to survive. Carry enough grenades and healing items before going into battle. These will help you stay safe and win the game easily.
understand the weapon
Selecting a right weapon is very important to win any game. Players must understand all weapons. A different weapon is used for each fight, so first understand their skin and select the right weapon according to your need.
Choose the right landing location
Always keep one thing in mind while landing on the map that you land on the location where you have more chances to win. With this you will be able to increase your rank easily. Players should always land where there are fewer players and more loot.