Last night’s True Blood episode 2, “I Found You,” started off just like the last one with a “slam bam thank you ma’am scene” even before the credits ran.
Jason-Eric-Pam and Hep-V
When the episode opens we see Eric in a hotel and Jason enters his room. Eric says, “You found me.” The two enter into the “promised” sex scene that we expected to see. Jason admits that he is crazy about Violet but he tells Eric that he can’t get him out of his head and says Eric must be hearing a lot. Eric replies “for 1000 years, but only twice have I felt it in return.” The scene was very steamy, just like the Sam and Bill scene was in Season 3, and the two end up in bed, but suddenly, we learn that it’s a dream when Jason wakes up, finding himself sitting a pew of the town’s church.

At the end of the episode, Pam finally finds Eric and she walks into his room to see him sitting in a chair and he says the same line to her that he said to Jason in the dream, “You found me.” However, this isn’t a dream and we see that Eric appears to have been infected with the Hep-V virus himself when we see the veins climbing up his chest under his shirt.

Lettie Mae’s addiction and compulsion to see Tara
Early in the episode, Lettie Mae announces to the Reverend that she wants to go see if Lafayette is OK. Even as she spoke the words, I knew that she was on a trip to find herself some “V”. This woman has an addictive gland in her that will not quit. She goes to Lafayette saying she is there to get his help to contact Tara, but he sees right through her disguise and tells her she’s “a trifling bitch.” However, Lettie Mae is determined, so determined that later in her kitchen she burns her hand severely and runs to Willa begging for her to give her some V to help heal her burn. Willa reluctantly does so even though the Reverend told her not to give his wife any more. Once Lettie Mae has injested the blood she immediately has a vision of Tara on a cross with a snake crawling on her. I know this is the V and not real because it reminded me of the scene in episode 5 of Season 1 when Jason was high on V and saw Tara behind the bar like a goddess (see below). I worry that Lettie Mae may not make it to the end of the season at the rate she’s going.

A visit to St. Alice
Sookie tells Andy about the girl she saw in the woods and that if they identify her they might be able to find out where these Hep V vampires came from. The girl is easily identified when Jason finds her wallet and after first giving Andy her Starbucks card, he then finds her ID. They discover she’s from a town close by called St. Alice. The group goes there and discovers that the town is pretty much deserted. They find a lot of bodies in an open grave and know that the vampires have pretty much killed all the inhabitants. They then decide to go to the girls home to hopefully find more clues. When inside, they discover that ,with Jason’s “pizza forensics,” that the food has been there for about 2.5 days. They decide to check all through the house and Sam is a bit overwhelmed when he finds a baby’s crib in one of the bedrooms. Jason comes in and sees the same and they sit together in shock.

Sookie goes into the daughter’s bedroom with Alcide. She begins to read the girl’s diary hoping to get some clues. She reads a story of the girl who is in love with a vampire named Henry and one of the entries is that he took her to Fangtasia. This makes Sookie remember her time when Bill took her there on the “this is not a date” trip and she fondly daydreams remembering when she was getting ready for that date.

On the way back to Bon Temps, Alcide and Sookie have a discussion in the car. He tells her not to blame herself, she didn’t make vampires, didn’t bring them to the town and certainly didn’t bring Hep V. He also tells her she isn’t like the dead girl, Mary Beth and talks about first love. Alcide then says what I think is probably the best line in this episode when he comments to Sookie saying, “Yea, you fell for Bill just like anyone falls for their first love, “hard and fast.” That is so true; I remember the same feeling myself.

While Sookie, Jason, Sam, Alcide and Andy are in St. Alice, the Bon Temps residents take over the sheriff’s office and convince Kenya to give them all the guns. They all go on a shooting practice even though Adilyn tries to stop them with her faery light. Jessica senses Adilyn’s trouble and when Andy comes home, Jessica convinces him that she means the best for his daughter and they team up to find her.

Fangtasia Basement
Arlene, Holly, Nicole and Jane Bodehouse are still captives in Fangtasia’s Basement. Slowly one by one the other prisoners are being taken up to the bar and become dinner for the Hep V vampires. Kevin is already one of their victims and we see him dead as they throw his body on a pile of already demised human corpses. One of the vampires who comes to the basement to grab their next victim is recognized by Arlene as Miss Harris, a teacher who taught her kids and also Holly’s boys. She and Holly convince her that it would be the right thing, since she is going to die anyway, to help them. Miss Harris is hard to convince but Arlene makes such a good plea that she says she will try and help them. When the other vampires are sleeping for 15 minutes, (not sure what that 15 minutes is all about), Miss Harris comes down and says she’ll help them now, but she will need to feed on one of them first in order to have enough strength to help do so. Arlene offers up herself. Miss. Harris says it must be the ephemeral artery and she begins to feed. However, luck is not for the ladies held captive because Ms. Harris dies the true death disintegrating in front of Arlene just like Nora did in Eric’s arms last season.

This episode, like the last, I consider to be a “building the story for the season” episode because it seemed to be just that. I hope that in the next episode we get some more “in depth” story telling. However, with that said, it’s still my favorite show, so you can bet I’ll be watching.
Will you keep watchig? What did you think of this episode? Tell us in the comments below.