TV & Video Magazine

Random Thoughts True Blood Episode 5.11 ‘Sunset’

Posted on the 21 August 2012 by Thevault @The_Vault

This was a very busy episode. The writers packed a lot of information into an hour. I have to admit I’ve watched it 3 times and am still a little confused. The episode last week was focused and easy to follow. That was not the case this week. I could have done without the less important story lines. They seemed like filler and took focus away from the larger plot of the episode. I have no idea what to expect next week in the finale but I think it’ll blow our minds.

This means war.
Lilith appears to Bill. She tells him there can only be on leader and she chooses him. She tells him to drink all of the blood in the vial. Bill refuses and leaves.

When General Cavanaugh arrives at the Authority head quarters everyone seems a little on edge. He demands to see Roman. When he is told Roman is unavailable he informs the Authority that he knows they bombed the True Blood factories. The general reminds them of the agreement they have with the US government. Mainstreaming insures vampires and humans leave each other alone. The pentagon is talking about eradicating vampires from the face of the planet. The Authority informed the general of their new plan and urged him to get on board. General Cavanaugh will not back down and assures the Authority that the government won’t back down either. True to form Eric doesn’t take being told what to do very well. He snaps the general’s neck, which upsets Salome and the other chancellors. Eric and Nora share their plans to fix the problem. Bill is suspicious and has them take security with them. Lilith once again comes to Bill. She tells him he is the leader and touched his lips with her blood soaked fingers. Once she is gone Bill touches his own lips and notices the blood. This seems to be proof to him that Lilith is real. Power seems to have gone to Bills head and he’s not going to let anyone stand in his way of becoming leader. Lilith has appeared to 3 chancellors and has told them they are chosen to be the leader. Why is she trying to pin the chancellors against each other? The Authority is sure to crumble.

Random Thoughts True Blood Episode 5.11 ‘Sunset’
Random Thoughts True Blood Episode 5.11 ‘Sunset’


Maker or faker?
Jessica’s attempt to save Jason from Russell and Steve backfires. She tried to trick Bill by telling him she wanted to make Jason a vampire. Bill sees right through her lie and commands her to become Jason’s maker. Jessica is escorted by security to BonTemps. They find Jason and Jessica tries her best to stall so that she doesn’t have to make him. The security guards threaten to do it if she doesn’t. Jessica is left with no choice. She must drink from Jason. Once the guards are convinced he has been drained they dig a hole and begin to bury them. When the security becomes distracted Jason shoots them with wooden bullets. He is understandably upset by what has just happened. Jessica explains that. Russell and Steve are coming after Sookie. Jason leaves to warn her.

Random Thoughts True Blood Episode 5.11 ‘Sunset’


Nora has a change of heart.
Nora’s vision of Godric has made her see the light. She pays a visit to Eric in his bedroom. There’s nothing like having sex and planning your escape at the same time. Talk about multitasking. After Eric Kills General Cavanaugh he and Nora tell the other members their plan to keep his death a secret. Once out of head quarters Eric quickly gets rid of the security detail. It’s nice to see the smile on Eric’s face when Nora takes the medallion off of her neck and throws it to the ground.

Random Thoughts True Blood Episode 5.11 ‘Sunset’
Random Thoughts True Blood Episode 5.11 ‘Sunset’


Safe and Sound…not in BonTemps
Jason leaves Sookie in the safety of the faeries. They feel it’s the best place to keep her away from Warlow. Sookie meets the eccentric elder. She warns Sookie of a dark time that is coming. The elder tells Sookie to hold onto her light. Before the elder can tell Sookie anything about Warlow Jason bursts in and interrupts them. He tells Sookie that Russell is coming for her. The elder seems alarmed to learn he is alive. Sookie and the elder agree that the faeries must fight Russell with Jason’s help. Maurella doesn’t like that plan. She goes to Merlotte’s to find Andy. She tells him there is danger and he must protect her and their baby. He doesn’t believe her because she is very pregnant and it’d only been a week since they had sex. Maurella warns Andy not to ignore the light pact they made. I’m willing to guess Holly won’t take it well when she finds out Andy knocked up a faerie?

Jason is quickly captured by Russell and Steve. He is glamoured and leads them to the faerie portal in the field. The elder comes to fight Russell. He is too fast for her magic and she hits Jason sending him into a tree. Russell drinks from the elder turning her into faerie dust. Her blood allows him to see the portal and the frightened faeries watching in horror. Russell is happy to have found an all you can eat faerie buffet.


Random Thoughts True Blood Episode 5.11 ‘Sunset’
Random Thoughts True Blood Episode 5.11 ‘Sunset’


Pam’s in deep.
After cleaning up Elijah, Pam let’s Tara know she is pissed. She explains how much trouble they are in. Jessica shows up and asks Pam to hide her. Of course Pam is less than willing to help out. Jessica has something she knows Pam wants, she knows where Eric is. Pam allows Jessica to stay once she finds out Eric’s whereabouts. Later that night Rosalyn comes into Fangtasia looking for her progeny Elijah. Tara knows they’re in trouble and tries to lie. Rosalyn can smell his blood on her. Pam steps in and admits to killing the sheriff. Guards quickly storm the bar and take Pam into custody. Pam is going to be very unhappy when she finds out Eric is no longer at Authority head quarters. Rosalyn finds Jessica and returns her to her maker. Bill is irate when he finds out Jessica has chose a human and defied his orders.


Random Thoughts True Blood Episode 5.11 ‘Sunset’
Random Thoughts True Blood Episode 5.11 ‘Sunset’
Random Thoughts True Blood Episode 5.11 ‘Sunset’
Random Thoughts True Blood Episode 5.11 ‘Sunset’

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