The finale is finally here or, if you prefer, already here, and its time to review this episode. It’s Halloween in Bon Temps, so everyone is in costume at Merlotte’s including Arlene, Terry and the kids. Some others don’t seem to be celebrating the holiday though as they have other things to occupy their minds, like possession, burning at the stake, laying family members to rest, just to name a few. It’s no lie that this sure was action packed and definitely not boring. My jaw dropped several times because of all the WTF moments throughout.
The main themes tonight had to do with dying and being reborn. We had a huge death count in this episode and it was surprising to see some who were chosen to go. However, one of the good things about True Blood is that you you never know who might return at some point. We all knew that it was only a matter of time for Russell Edgington returned, so waiting to see him again will make the next months go that much slower, unfortunately.
What follows are my thoughts on Season 4′s finale episode.
Marnie Possesses Lafayette and then says “Goodbye”
At the end of last week’s episode we saw Marnie possess Lafayette and in the opening scene of the finale, we see that the possession has taken hold. He/she is now in control of Jesus after having first stabbing him in the hand with a fork. The next time we see Jesus, he is duct taped to a chair trying to communicate with, Lafayette. Marnie is having none of it and threatens to kill Lafayette’s body unless Jesus give her his Bruja powers. He finally says, “yes” when he sees that Marnie means to do Lafayette harm. Once his powers are transferred to Marnie, she stabs Jesus in the chest, killing him. Tara comes to see Lafayette and finds Jesus dead and immediately runs to Sookie for help. The two women, with Holly and a salt shaker, go looking for help at Bill’s House.
Once there they find that Lafayette/Marnie has already overpowered Bill and Eric and plans to burn them at the stake. She was kind enough to remove their shirts though so we, at least, got some good views of the two vampires physiques before they were to meet their deaths. Lafayette/Marnie ignites the bonfire which starts to burn the two vampires while Sookie and Tara try to reason with Lafayette/Marnie. During this time, Holly spreads the salt in a circle. Sookie finally uses her magic fingers to expel Lafayette/Marnie out of the circle and then the three women join hands and start chanting. The chanting is to bring up those they love from the dead. All of a sudden zombies start walking in the graveyard. One of them is Antonia who tries to reason with Marnie and another is Gran who comes and pulls Marnie out of Lafayette. Antonia blows out the fire and the spell is broken.
Marnie needs some convincing to go to rest, but soon she leaves with the other dead. Before Gran leaves Sookie tries to make her stay, but she can’t and they say goodbye for a last time and now, Lafayette is himself again. Meanwhile, Eric and Bill are still tied at the stake until Eric says, wanting to be free, “Excuse me, we’re feeling a little crispy up here” and the scene ends.
The Love Triangles
Jason, Jessica and Hoyt – Jason tells Hoyt that he has had sex with Jessica and Hoyt takes it as is expected by punching Jason. He says that Jason has broken their code and he is obviously really disappointed and hurt. Then, later in the episode, Jessica arrives at Jason’s, in her Halloween costume of “Little Red Riding Hood,” and two have sex again. Jessica tells Jason that she doesn’t want their relationship to go any further than it has for now because she has just left a serious relationship and she doesn’t want to hurt him the way she has hurt Hoyt. Jason at first, doesn’t seem too happy about it, but he soon comes around. I don’t know how next season will effect Hoyt, but it will be interesting to see how the Jason and Jessica hook up plays out. I love all three characters and not sure what I want to happen, so I’m happy to let the writers go wherever they choose with this one.
Bill, Sookie, Eric, Alcide? - We see Bill and Eric drinking from Sookie wrists after the burning at the stake scene. When done, they both thank Sookie for saving their life. Bill proclaims that she has saved his life, and Sookie says “it was my turn“. Then, Eric thanks her and she turns to him saying , “you don’t have to thank me. I can’t imagine a world without you in it.” She then turns to look at Bill and adds, “both of you.” She jumps up and says she can’t stand it anymore and that it’s like being ripped in half and no matter what she does someone is going to get hurt. Bill rises and says “Sookie I just want for you to be happy. And if being with Eric is what makes you happy, then you have my blessing.” Eric then runs to Sookie and says, “See, it’s OK Sookie, Bill’s fine with it. Bill had his chance; he blew it. He lied to you.” Sookie rebuffs, “to protect me, and I lied to him to to protect you and you’ve lied to both of us so many time, we can’t count. What a mess.” At this, Sookie goes to Bill and forgives him and asks for his forgiveness. Bill exclaims “Like I have a choice, you’re the love of my life.” Sookie says, “I know and that just makes this harder.” She then goes to Eric and says, “If I’m really honest, it’s wasn’t just goofy innocent Eric I fell for it, as vicious and untrustworthy that you can be, there’s a goodness in you that breaks my heart because there is a part of me that’s always wanted you.” Eric exclaims, “You won’t be sorry.” Sookie says, “I already am. The time we had together was unforgettable, but it’s over.”
She tells them that there’s only one way I see this ending and it’s me walking away with neither of you. She thinks it’s best for all, however, while she may be walking away from the two vampires, I wonder if she is now walking into the arms of someone else, like Alcide?
When we next Alcide, he is sitting at the bar in Merlotte’s with Sookie pretty much asking her to think about a relationship with him. Sookie doesn’t seem to think it’s a good idea but we all now know that in the end of the episode, Debbie is no more, so Alcide is completely free as a bird and Sookie just might think that this could be a good alternative to Bill and/or Eric. However, I just don’t think it’s over for Sookie and her love for vampires. I bet there will be, at least, some sort of reunion with one or both of the vampires in Season 5, just to keep it interesting.
By the way, what was with the matching robes on Bill and Eric?
Rest in Peace – We lost quite a few regulars tonight, I’d like to send my condolences to each of them.
Jesus – was the first to die in this episode. I liked Jesus as a character and a love interest for Lafayette and was sorry to see him go. He brought a new atmosphere to the story and Kevin Alejandro did an excellent job in a very difficult part. He, with the very talented Nelsan Ellis as Lafayette, were great together as a couple. It was good to see Jesus die for the sake of the man he loved and that he came back to tell Lafayette that all was well and he didn’t blame him for the killing. I think they needed to show this so Lafayette wouldn’t be overwhelmed with guilt in Season 5.
Nan – I was surprised to see Nan killed off (well, technically, she met the true death), because I thought she had just been signed to be a season regular and that usually means a contract for a few years. However, the story comes first I suppose, so Nan had to go.
At first, I wasn’t quite sure why Bill and Eric wouldn’t just join her and work with her, but then when she told them that she knew what Sookie was, I knew her fate was sealed. Eric really cut off the heads of her guards in a jiffy and it was too bad that Bill had to get Nan all over his beautiful suit in order to finish her off. I will miss Nan, she brought a new kind of woman to the show, a feisty political type, clawing her way to the top, no matter who she had to step on or over to get there. She did get annoying though toward the end and I know that Bill really hated her, not to mention Eric.
It was curious when Nan mentioned factions inside the regime that have never been completely been on board with the current agenda and she says that Sheriff Northman knows what she is talking about. I remember early in the season that Bill mentioned Eric had friends in high places and now I think I know what he meant. But, when she called them both “hungry puppy dogs” that was all that was needed to get Eric to pounce and kill her guards and Bill to stab her with the silver stake saying, “We are not fucking puppy dogs.” So, Good bye Nan!
Debbie – Last we saw Debbie she was very definitely dumped by Alcide. Shortly before the “dumping’, Alcide had come in on her and Marcus, and even though she had told Marcus that she loved Alcide and didn’t want to jeopardize their relationship, Alcide didn’t hear this, so, after Marcus’ scuffle with Sam and then with Alcide killing Marcus in the last episode, Alcide had enough of crazy Debbie. Presumably, Debbie, in utter despair once again, with little to lose, decides she will blame it all on Sookie and arrives at Sookie’s house late at night with a shot gun ready to kill her. Just as she is about to shoot at Sookie, Tara comes to Sookie’s rescue and takes the bullet instead. It sure looks like she is truly dead although it’s very possible that one of the vampires might show up and somehow bring her back to life. Unfortunately, we’ll have to wait nine months or so, to find out if that is even possible. Debbie is definitely gone though. I’m not too sorry to see her go though since she was a drug addict and totally insecure and didn’t know it when she had a good thing in the dependable Alcide.I really liked Brit Morgan in the part,but saying goodbye to Debbie is just fine with me.
Tara – Now Tara is another story. She is probably the most important person in Sookie’s life and has been like a sister to her for her whole life and to lose another family member so soon after Gran’s death and leaving the two men she loved, is really going to be a lot for Sookie to bear.
I fondly remember Tara in Super Save A Bunch in Season 1, Episode 1, when she told off the customer and quit her job. I remember thinking at the time that Tara was going to be a fiesty bitch and worthy of this show; which she was. Rutina Wesley did a great job in the part, and it is possible that Tara may somehow come back to life or kept alive, but it sure looked like she was a goner to me, so I’m guessing she is out of the show. And, what about Lafayette? He’s just as close to Tara, if not closer, than Sookie is. He’s lost his lover and his cousin on the same day. I now really worry for both Sookie and Lafayette. Maybe they will be able to console each other. Our condolences to you Tara.
Poor Tara suffered the most of anyone in this show while she fought her daemon in Season 1, was controlled by a Meanad in Season 2, and then kept hostage by a crazy vampire in Season 3. I thought that with her new life in New Orleans this season that she would have finally found some happiness, but that was not to last. Joining up with Marnie sure wasn’t a way to keep her life on a road to happiness, now was it?
Some that were already dead came back to life and then returned to the dead.
Marnie - She just couldn’t stay dead; she was addicted to the power she found in the last days of her life and had to inhabit Lafayette in the hopes of carrying out her quest to rid the earth of vampires. In the interim, she decided that because Jesus had betrayed her, he had to go. However, to use his only love to do the evil deed was just horrible. I was glad to see Antonia and Gran bring her to see senses and finally accept her fate and go to rest. Oftentimes, people who turn evil are those that aren’t loved in life and have a very low self esteem. Marnie was certainly one of them. I think Fiona Shaw did an awesome job of portraying Marnie and then Marnie possessed by Antonia. I hope that Marnie now has found solace in her resting place.
Gran – I mention Gran because it was just so sweet to see her back again, even if it was for just a short time. I loved how Sookie begged her to stay; knowing full well that she wouldn’t and couldn’t. Gran was a much loved character and Sookie’s rock and now with Tara gone, who will Sookie have other than Jason?
Rene – Rene probably came back with the zombies in the graveyard and decided to take a side trip over to Merlotte’s and see Arlene. Rene was providing a bit of a clue to next season when I think Terry’s back story will be revealed. Scott Foley, who is expected to be a new character in Season 5, showed up during this episode as a friend of Terry’s, Peter Callahan. I’m guessing there will be something dark happening there since Rene warned Arlene to stay away from Terry.
Who will return in Season 5
Reverend Newlin – returned tonight when he knocked on Jason’s door. Wow, what a shocker. Could he really now be a vampire? It will be interesting to see a right wing, bigoted minister deal with the life of being a vampire; that should raise some eyebrows in the religious right. I’m also glad to see Michael McMillian back; he is so perfect as the reverend. However, I admit that I read some speculation about his character and he may not actually be a vampire, but only pretending to be one for Halloween. At any rate, I bet he will be back next season and I welcome it.
Russell Edgington – should be back in Season 5 since in tonight’s episode we saw Alcide come to the place where he was buried and find that it has been dug up. Alcide notices silver chains where a hole in the concrete has been dug. It was further help to have Russell’s music playing when Alcide found the chains providing us additional assurance of what had happened. I am a huge fan of Russell Edgington and, specifically Denis O’Hare, so I’m thrilled that he will be with us again in season 5.
Jesus – Since we learned tonight that Lafayette is a medium and Jesus is a spirit, I bet that Lafayette’s new found medium abilities will create future opportunities for the two to connect in further seasons. I sure hope so.
Other things worthy of mention
Sam and Luna – It looks like Sam might have found a real love interest in Luna. He sure does get along with her daughter Emma, too, so it’s perfect and would give him a “ready made” family. However, when the girls left for the night we see Sam turn and there is an angry werewolf growling at him. I wonder what this will be about. Could it be payback for Sam taking revenge for the death of Tommy by participating in Marcus’ death?
Sam and Maxine – Poor Maxine doesn’t have anyone now that Tommy is dead and Hoyt has left her for good. So she appears at Tommy’s grave and is happy to now adopt Sam it seems. I really enjoyed the scene with she and Sam at Tommy’s grave; it was “awww” worthy.
Holly and Andy - Andy seems to have taken up Arlene’s advice and decided to try again with Holly. He brings her flowers and they hug. I hope that Holly and he have a relationship; Andy really needs somebody. However, I wonder how the scene form last week’s episode with Andy having sex with the fairy will impact it? Also, its interesting how Andy seems to have sobered up so fast. Maybe getting a bit of loving last episode has given him the willpower to fight his weaknesses.
Pam – Presumably the spell is now lifted from Pam because Marnie is gone, but even that doesn’t console her and she is fighting mad. She simply can’t understand how Eric could love Sookie so much after all they’ve been through together. Ginger consoles her and that’s all we see of Pam in this episode, so the estrangement between Pam and Eric will continue into the next season, and I can’t wait to see what happens with them them.
I think the season was neatly tied up by this episode. Please tell us what you think about this episode by leaving your thoughts in a comment below.