Just randomly thought about this, but I sincerely think that the only person in the entire world who has 100% job security no matter how good or bad the economy’s doing is bankruptcy lawyer Peter Francis Geraci.
Seriously, though.
That fucker’s been peddling his services since I first came to the United States in 1995! In fact, I’m pretty sure his is one of the first commercials I’d ever seen here in the states, before I even understood any English to know what the hell this guy was talking about.
The kicker? His commercial hasn’t changed in 18(!) years – it’s still the same, no-frills talking-head format, selling audio tapes, except maybe he added a blurb about being online.
Good for him, but damn!
Moral of this vignette: If you want a guaranteed job, follow in the footsteps of Peter Francis Geraci, because someone is going to be going bankrupt all the time. ‘Round the clock.