The phone rang, and rang again. I hesitated to answer it. I knew what the person on the other end was going to tell me. My heart sank into my stomach as I answered it. I saw her leave late Monday night from my kitchen window. I couldn’t bring myself to go outside and say goodbye, but I knew it was goodbye forever. The phone is still ringing. I get up to answer it and the voice on the other end says the words I dread to hear: Totaled! Oh Britney! Oh my heart! We love you so very much.

150,000 miles, 49 states, 6 Canadian provinces, baby you were more than just a chassis and and some fancy wheels. You were a revving heart and a wandering soul, the looks of a kitten but the roar of a lion.

You kept me safe through mountain passes and sprawling deserts. You took me through muddy backroads and traversed highways and byways galore. You stored all of my worldly possessions within arms reach.

Britney, you were a work of art. Always there to take me out when I was down. You were a life-saver, a marriage fixer, a relationship builder. You helped me see so much beauty in this world.

You were there in rain, sand, sleet, and snow. You kept me warm. Baby, remember that night we spent sleeping together surrounded by a herd of buffalo in Northern Canada? I’ll never forget it. You kept us all warm and cozy all night.

I don’t know how we are going to get around without you. Britney I want you back. I want to feel you purr when I hit that “Start” button. I want to roll through country fields with you. We won’t be able to come upon another sunrise together again. Tonight, in my dreams, I will open your sunroof to the heavens where I imagine you will rust in peace. I love you Britney, oh so very much. You were never a car to me. You were a companion. Where will I ever be able to go now without you!