Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s Naayak has reached its final stages in Andhra Pradesh. The film has performed very well across the state despite facing a stiff competition and distribution issues in areas where Ram Charan in strong like Krishna, Nellore and Ceded for example. Naayak is a testimony to Ram Charan’s unprecedented box office pull in Ceded and Nellore where even with such issues it has managed to out-gross its competitor. Compared to all other territories Naayak has relatively underperformed in Guntur.
On distribution level Naayak has given profits to all its distributors where it was sold individually. In two areas Ceded and Nellore where Naayak was bought in combination with Pawan Kalyan’s Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu, the distributors might incur marginal looses. However this is more due to the later (CGR) under performing rather than former, the former has performed excellently in these two territories.
Rights Sold: 3.04 Cr
Collected: 3.12 Cr
Naayak performed well in this territory and has entered into profit zone marginally. Hit business.
Rights Sold: 2.60 Cr
Collected: 3.09 Cr
In West Naayak has performed much better and crossed the 3 Cr mark. It is hence a Super-hit business in the territory.
Note: Other area figures will be posted in the coming days. Keep watching this space.