Superstar Rajinikanth starrer, AR Rahman musical Kochadaiyaan audio is going to release on March 9th at Satyam cinemas, Chennai. A single track sung by SPB got released long time back. This is fourth film in the combination of Rajinikanth – AR Rahman. Meanwhile audio launch of its telugu version, ‘Vikramasimha’ will be happening on March 10th. Chandrabose has penned lyrics for ‘Vikramasimha’. Lakshmi Ganapathy Films is producing the telugu version. Rajinikanth will be seen in a dual role along with Deepika Padukone, Sarath Kumar, Shobana, Jackie Shroff and others. This stereoscopic animation film is directed by Soundarya Rajinikanth Ashwin. Film is releasing on April 11th worldwide.