Audio launch of ‘Legend’ is all set to take place tomorrow amidst Fans from all over at Shilpa Kala Vedika, Hyderabad. The event will begin at 6 pm and exact muhurtam on 7:33 pm has been fixed to unveil the Audio CD. This event will be live telecasted in Tv9 and online streaming is also available. SS Rajamouli and Sreenu Vytla will grace the event. Devi Sri Prasad has composed the music for the first time in his career for Bala Krishna. Boyapati Srinu is directing this film jointly produced by Sai Korrapati under Varahi Chalana Chitram and 14 reels Entertainments. Audio of ‘Legend’ will be released by Lahari Music. Film is gearing up to release on March 28th.