Self Expression Magazine

Rafflecopter Missing Link for Online Giveaways and Contests

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Rafflecopter Missing Link!

Rafflecopter missing link was a factor with this online giveaway. The Pin to Win contest for $50 of Lingerie was held and the results are in. The numbers have been tallied. Some results were good. Other results were not so good without using the Rafflecopter entry application. Without Rafflecopter there was a missing link.

Rafflecopter missing link

Rafflecopter Missing Link Drawbacks

A few reasons the contest was not as well seen online is that some of the online contest sites required you to have the Rafflecopter contest applicaton. We missed out on on some linking with online contests and giveaway websites. More important we missed exposure for the contest online.  One of my favorite giveaway websites Sleep Tight required you to have the Rafflecopter entry system. The same applied for a few other of the giveaway websites and blogs. Another drawback was the time it took to count all the pins, re-pins and shares on  social media. We had 2 top contestants that were so close that we gave them both a $50 worth of lingerie as the prize.

Online Contest Positive Takaways

On the positive side of the contest we did see traffic double! That was a real positive takeaway. We also gained a lot of Pinterest Followers and re-pins and pins right from the website. That was one of the reasons the traffic doubled from the contest. Just check out this chart below 2 days prior to the contest deadline. Traffic is still higher than in the past on a daily basis now.

online contest results

In looking further at analytics Pinterest came in second to Google for the most traffic sources in the past month. That even beat out Facebook which we paid for some promoted posts! Remember my favorite saying : Don’t put all your social eggs in one basket, ever!

Rafflecopter Missing Link Would Not Be Next Time

For the next contest we would use Rafflecopter for sure. We would also team up with another blogger to have it on their site. And we would cross-promote on our site as well. Two websites working together can produce more than just one. Two head are better than one, right? That would mean they would get a product as well to review to do the giveaway. We’ve done that in past for another site and it worked pretty well.

What else would you suggest to make an online contest produce more results and not have a Rafflecoper missing link happen? Would you also have a blogger host the contest on their site and cross promote it? 

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