Religion Magazine

Racism is a Sin

By Mba @mbartoloabela

Racism is a sin: a sin that divides the human family, blots out the image of God among specific members of that family, and violates the fundamental human dignity of those called to be children of the same Father. Racism is the sin that says some human beings are inherently superior and others essentially inferior because of races. It is the sin that makes racial characteristics the determining factor for the exercise of human rights. It mocks the words of Jesus: “Treat others the way you would have them treat you.” Indeed, racism is more than a disregard for the words of Jesus; it is a denial of the truth of the dignity of each human being revealed by the mystery of the Incarnation.

Racism is a sin and a grave one at that. Unfortunately, not many people these days realize it whereas a multitude of others deny this basic truth outright.The latter category tends to include many, many Catholics and Christians who consider themselves ‘holy’ or ‘pious’ (no one is because no one is a saint down here; to say otherwise is a manifest lack of humility), and who would lay claim to being closest to God. Yet others have no clue about they engage in it despite their denials because they have no idea that what they call “innocuous” is actually racist discourse and actions. Not reinventing the wheel, therefore, here is the Pastoral Letter issued by the USCCB on the matter. The facts stated therein still hold very true today.


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