Twenty something days until my book launches. I lost count. And I’m trying not to look at the ticker in the sidebar! Right now I’m rushing to the finish line, proofing press releases with blurry eyes, finalizing my big plans for my book launch party, and writing guest posts and interviews for January and beyond. And in the middle of racing toward this publishing finish line life still goes on whether I can keep up or not.

Christmas school programs, theatre opening night (tonight,) music recitals! A house needing decorating and presents begging to be purchased and wrapped. Not to mention baking that needs to be done. (Thankfully my son has that covered.)
Just rattling off my to do list is making me tired, and I’m already exhausted.

And what about my WIP? The one I haven’t worked on in over a week or is it two? Well, she sits idle, waiting for me to find the time and creativity I need to start back up again.
Thankfully, some creativity is still flowing in the book launch program I have planned for January 6th and in the blog posts I’ve been writing for other people. God is good and gracious, and I’m not panicking…yet.
Remember…I’m not watching that ticker counting down the days. Ignorance is bliss, until it hits you in the face and gives you a black eye! See, I am tired. I don’t even know if that makes sense, but there it is! And there it’ll stay…because I’m too exhausted to rewrite this post!