Humor Magazine

Quotes of the Day

By Lucky @imlosingitorg

I started out my night with a nice hot bath and can you believe it I went to the gym to bike for a half hour? Good energy and tunes make for a great night of blogging. Every day I have so many thoughts and quotes I feel so compelled to share with all of you.  It makes me sad and crazy to think there are so many that feel hopeless or lonely.  My theme for tonight is reaching rock bottom.  The great thing about hitting rock bottom is there is only one way to go and that is up.  You need to recognize that no matter how bad it is things can only get better and there is always someone who has it worse than you.  The trick is to learn from our mistakes and forgive ourselves.  I found some amazing quotes that will hit home with a lot of you.  Funny how when we are at our lowest point we are desperate for a sign and sometimes it is something as simple as a quote that shows a thought or solution we never would have considered.  I hope these quotes inspire, heal and maybe just make you smile. Want more quotes and my tunes list more often?  Like us  on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.  My quotes tonight are from some great new sites Laugh it’s Free (Facebook), Life Love quotes and Saying (Facebook) and Wings of your Soul (Facebook).  These are a must check out sites for just about anything and everything to brightend and enlighten you.

Quotes of the day

If author J.K. Rowling didn’t hit rock bottom we would never be enjoying Harry Potter!

Quotes of the day

Success is never giving up!  It is sad that most people give up when they are so close.  Don’t look back!  Keep your eyes on the end result!  Success is always closer than we think it is.

Quotes of the day

Never loss sight of your faith and belief.  It will carry you when you don’t have the strength to go on.

Quotes of the day

My favorite saying is “No is not an option!”  You need to make it your mantra and before you know it will be second nature.

Quotes of the day

In life there will always be Soul sucking people that have such low self esteem that they are dream killers.  They will suck your positive energy and discourage your dreams because of their hate and jealousy.  Stay the heck away from them.  That’s their Karma not yours.

Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day

Once you feel the strength that I know each and every one of you has you need to get out there.  The World will not come to you.  We learn and grow from exploring.

Quotes of the day

You can give your child every thing and nothing if you don’t teach them to love and value themselves.

Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day


Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day

Quotes of the day

Life is about partcipating not seating and watching it go by.  Know that in every moment of every day You hold the power to change your destiny.  Why not start today.  Forgive yourself, heal yourself move on.

Have a totally amazing day!  I think every one of you is a unique and Amazing person!


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