I wonder why he’s no longer a Navy Chaplain.
Former navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, founder of the lobbying group Pray In Jesus Name Project, appeared on a progressive talk show (The David Pakman Show) this week to criticize President Barack Obama’s endorsement of same sex marriage. He ended up promoting his theory that gay people unknowingly secrete invisible, evil creatures which find and possess certain animals, turning them gay as well:
“It is entirely possible — we know from the Bible, for example, when Jesus cast the devil out of Legion, he went into a herd of pigs. So, it is possible for demons or the devil to inhabit or invade animals just the same way they invade humans, and that causes the sin of lust.”
So, if you’ve been wondering what causes gay pigs, here is the answer from a guy who thinks the LGBT community has an agenda” to “repopulate their population by recruiting the children of heterosexuals.” And animals, too.
Klingenschmitt thinks everyone is borne heterosexual, but is converted to homosexuality mostly by gay television programming. So I think we can solve the pigs problem by just turning off the TVs in the sty.
What? They don’t have television in the sty?
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