Religion Magazine

Quote for the Day: "Talk About 'Intrinsically Disordered'!"

Posted on the 10 June 2013 by William Lindsey @wdlindsy

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Alan McCornick at Hepzibah:
Official (hierarchy-centered) Catholics, for whom gays are "intrinsically disordered," doctrinaire Southern Baptists and a whole bunch of big bucks Mormons are still doing their damnedest to claim the "one man/one woman" rule is all about culture and tradition, but the word is out now that this is a religious claim of the same order these institutions once used to label Africans the "Sons of Ham" and Jews the "killers of Christ." 
Talk about "intrinsically disordered!"

To borrow a leaf from Fred Clark's brilliant Slacktivist site, smart people saying smart things. 

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