Religion Magazine

Quote for the Day: Archbishop "Myers Neither Admits Responsibility nor Apologizes for What Happened"

Posted on the 29 May 2013 by William Lindsey @wdlindsy
Quote for the Day: Archbishop
Mark Silk on the statement that Archbishop John Myers of Newark, NJ, has finally made about the Fugee scandal:
In his statement, Myers neither admits responsibility nor apologizes for what happened. That he failed to honor "both the letter and the spirit" of the Memorandum of Understanding cannot be doubted, though whether that failure rises to the level of, say, contempt of court, is hard to say. What the Fugee case points up, once again, is the absence of a procedure for church authorities to discipline bishops who fail to follow their own rules for handling abuse cases. And until such a procedure is put is put in place, and bishops are actually disciplined, the abuse scandal will not come to an end.

And yet abbé Grosjean advises us to go to our bishops, if we want sound moral teaching, exemplary preaching about the gospels, and authentic pastoral leadership?!

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