
Pastor Chris Hill is thankful to God for Bishop Jakes helping to restore his brokenness, after resigning from The Potters House Denver a couple months ago due to allegations of an affair.
Pastor Chris Hill stepped down as the pastor of The Potters House Denver after his wife, Lady Joy Hill accused him of having an affair with one of his parishioners.
The alleged affair became public when Joy Hill sent a mass text message to members of his mega-church in Colorado.
Pastor Chris Hill has taken some time away to go through the healing process and after attending service at The Potter’s House on Sunday, where Bishop Jakes laid hands on him and prayed over him, he is grateful and ready to minister again.
Check out what Pastor Chris Hill wrote on Instagram:
Today I am so grateful to God for my Pastor @bishopjakes – yesterday He was used by God to heal and to begin to restore my brokenness. Deliverance coming from the heart of a true Father in the Faith is indescribable unless you have experienced it. Though I have preached it to millions before, NOW I have lived it for myself. I know how the prodigal son felt when he finally made it home. Imperfect, broken, sorry, but finally home. Thank you @bishopjakes for being a touchable example of the Love of Jesus Christ Thank you for always keeping the light on and the door cracked so that we can ALL come home.

Only my faith in God has sustained me through these challenging days. I’ve gone through a lot of soul searching, professional counseling as well as spiritual guidance from my covering. After many months of intense work, I feel like I’m ready to consider a few of the doors God is opening for me to begin to minister, help others and provide for my family. I solicit your prayers as I intend to be selective, accountable and gradual so I don’t over extend myself! I believe that God isn’t finished with me! Thank you to all who have expressed their interest in helping me on what I’m calling “The Road to Recovery!” #grateful #restoretheroar

Watch a clip from Sunday’ service at The Potter’s House Dallas as Bishop Jakes restores Pastor Chris Hill: