The Quibi video streaming platform confirmed on Wednesday that it will shut down, only seven months after its launch. Quibi founder Jeffrey Katzenberg and CEO Meg Whitman announced the shutdown during an investor conference call on Wednesday, but did not give a date for the shutdown.
Quibi had recently green-lit a live-action series of Junji Ito‘s Tomie manga starring Adeline Rudolph, with episodes that were planned to be less than 10 minutes long.
Quibi (short for “quick bites”) describes itself as “coming from Hollywood and Silicon Valley,” stating that it streams “quick bites of captivating entertainment, created for mobile by the best talent, designed to fit perfectly into any moment of your day.” The platform launched in North America on April 6. Jeffrey Katzenberg, co-founder of DreamWorks Animation, partnered with former eBay CEO Meg Whitman to launch the service.
Sources: The Wall Street Journal (Benjamin Mullin, Joe Flint, Maureen Farrell), Deadline (Dade Hayes, Jill Goldsmith, Dominic Patten), Variety (Todd Spangler)