I recently had an exchange with a seeker from the West about various questions relating to the wisdom teachings as given by the World Teacher Trust. – The photos are from morning walks through our neighbourhood and not related to the content.

On one of the first e-mails the lady replied: “Again, many thanks for this, especially to Master Kumar. Maybe there will be an opportunity for me to participate at a meeting with him…”
I answered: “Master Kumar will not travel to the West anymore. In February 2020, Master Kumar became very weak. On April 14, 2020, he was hospitalised with cancer and lost consciousness for 5 days. During this time his wife died. He came back again because his work is not finished yet. After the first chemo, he just let himself be treated with homeopathy for a while, but then a second chemo became necessary…”

She: “I was very much occupied by the reference to the illness of Master Kumar and I asked myself how it can come to such a disbalance in the physical body of a master? Maybe it is a naive thought, but that a person with this spiritual background and the connection to Master CVV falls victim to such an aggressive disease, I would not have suspected and this gives me some puzzles. Was there any explanation on the part of the WTT or maybe even from Master Kumar?
Were or are under these circumstances fundamental assumptions of the theoretical frame of reference of the spiritual background of the WTT again put to the test? Could it be purely theoretically that not all basic assumptions contained in the publications and recommendations derived from them are doubtlessly, correct? I ask for your indulgence, but I would be grateful to learn how this -for Master Kumar unfortunately very sad circumstance- is dealt with in the community.”

Me: “There are often things where we run into the void with our (mental) urge for the ‘why and how something is so’. We also cannot see from our limited view why something is chosen where by a Master. Master Kumar often told how the great Masters Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (Wikipedia: ‘On August 16, 1886 Ramakrishna died of throat cancer in the circle of his disciples.’) and Ramana Maharshi chose to choose a serious disease like cancer. (Wikipedia: ‘In 1949, a cancerous tumour was discovered on his arm. Ramana underwent four operations, but refused to have his arm amputated. When he died on April 14, 1950, he assured those left behind, “That which is me cannot die because it was never born”.’)

I have not attempted to explain Sri Kumar’s illness, nor do I know of any such attempt. However, I am very impressed with the way he deals with it. … For me, due to the illness, the teachings of the WTT are not at all ‘on the test bench’, on the contrary, he shows, as he teaches, that we all use the body as a vehicle, which we will also replace again like a car that has become unusable, in order to get a better model.
I have studied his teachings intensively, but I do not see that even in purely theoretical terms a revision of basic assumptions would result from the present situation. It is very stringent to me. I have, over the years, gone through enough doubts and also chasms, where I had often also received great support through him. I also think there is not ‘one’ way the community deals with the situation, but everyone has their own approach. (I sometimes said it seems to me that there are as many WTTs as there are people in it – because the understanding is in each case that of the person).

She: “Thank you for your extensive explanations, which show me that there are many more aspects to be considered and that the illness of Master Kumar can be seen from completely different angles. I had left unconsidered in my questions and considerations the fact that the ways of a Master can be unfathomable and elude our limited horizon. There seems to be in the connections and the interaction between the 7 bodies of a human being still other connections than those discussed so far. Possibly a disbalance with a Master can be balanced differently than it is possible with a ‘normal mortal’. In my opinion, a cancer illness mostly indicates an imbalance and an unresolved problem in the psyche, which has become somatized. Thereby not ‘redeemed’ and ‘repressed’ aggressive impulses often play a supporting role in this kind of illness. The fact that all Masters mentioned by you have left the incarnated life because of exactly this disease, seems to me to be no coincidence……
Life on earth is complex and the backgrounds and connections are multilayered and often difficult or even impossible to understand. It is important that Master Kumar is in harmony with himself and it is nevertheless so far well for him.
I am very grateful to the WTT that the spiritual teachings have been made accessible to everyone and I thank them again expressly.”

Me: “Yes, there may be other possibilities for the influence of a Master. However, unlike what average people do or would like to do, they do not use their knowledge and abilities for themselves. They allow what happens to them to happen. Often initiates have explained that this is a way they neutralize any remaining physical karma by remaining neutral to it. Whether that is cancer or some other disease, whether it is an accident or even, as often happened, for example with Buddha, a poisoning by a follower, or even, as in the most famous example of Jesus Christ, a crucifixion.
An average person would certainly have quickly found ways to escape this.

The Master is also not concerned with ‘being in harmony with himself’, but with the divine – whether he, as a personality, is doing well, is of no importance to him. In a small booklet about H.B. Blavatsky I once wrote:
‘In spite of great bodily pains, she continued the work on the “Secret Doctrine”. By the end of 1886, her state of health was so critical that she was temporarily in a coma and made a will on the insistence of her friends. However, the “Secret Doctrine” was not yet finished, but after one night where she was near her end and the doctors had already given her up, to the great surprise of her friends, she sat up in her bed with wakeful eyes and said: “Master was here, he gave me the alternative either to die and to be free or to live and finish the ‘Secret Doctrine’. He warned me of further great pains and torments, if I would choose to live. But when I thought of all those serious students, who are waiting for help from me, and of the storm-shaken society, for whom the ‘Secret Doctrine’ could be an anchor…” Then she asked for coffee and her tobacco tin…’
Several times, I have also observed this attitude with Master Kumar.”