Fashion Magazine

Question Regarding Hair Fall, Premature Hair Graying & Home Remedies for Healthy Hair

By Hetal Shah @myfashionvilla

Hey All..!! From today we will do a Question and Answer post too. If you have got any Beauty, Fashion or Lifestyle related questions and if you want me to answer, I will do that. Mail me your question or query at [email protected] :) I would love to support you as much as I can. Today’s question is from Neha; our reader and follower. Let’s see what she writes and my answer. If you are facing problem of hair fall and premature graying, this post will help you too. Check it out.

Neha Asks

Hi Hetal,

I am looking for some best hair remedy so that I can back my beautiful hair back. Though, I have thin hairs from the childhood but now they are getting more and more dull. My marriage is on 28 Jan, 2016 so give me best and quick remedy. I have premature greying from the last 6-7 years so I constantly apply heena. After heena, my hair get more dull and suffer huge hair fall. Sometimes I also use Garnier color. My age is 28 years. From the last two years I m using Yellow Sunsilk (as per the advice of other beautician). It makes my hair silky but my problem is same regarding hair fall and greying. Before using Sunsilk, I used Dove as well. I m not taking any medication. Just sometimes I use, alovera, curd and lemon as a conditioner. I don’t use any other chemical products as a conditioner. 

Looking forward for your kind support.

Read the Answer

Dear Neha.

Thanks for writing to me. I have some points to share with you. Before I begin; I just want you to know that for me good health and good lifestyle come on top; than any products and remedies I use and recommend. So I just want you to make sure that you have healthy lifestyle always. And then use of quality products and right habits can do miracles.

And it may happen that you will not get result in 1-2 months but I want you to stick with whatever hair care routine we are creating below. Do not get attached with results rather enjoy the process, feel good that you are going extra mile for your hair. You are doing something for yourself. Take it as pampering yourself which you totally deserves. Have focus on your efforts; result… has to follow


Now let me start with addressing the problems and what you are doing at present.

Problems: dry hair, hair fall, premature Greying
you are using yellow Sunsilk Shampoo, you have used dove shampoo as well
Conditioner: you are not using any chemical products As conditioner. Sometimes you use aloevera, curd and lemon as conditioner.
What else you apply? – For gray hair, you constantly apply henna. Used hair color as well.
Medication: No

My thoughts and Answer To Your Query
As you said, you use yellow Sunsilk and I feel you are happy with that so I would suggest continuing that. But you said that you are not using any conditioner to avoid chemical products. Now I want to tell you something;

Best Hair Brushes in India

Best Hair Brushes in India

What conditioner does to your hair?

what conditioner does. makes the cuticle flakes fall tightly against each other and hair feels smooth again, even after you rinse the conditioner out. If you want to know everything about Hair conditioners and its work, Read this detail article on How does hair conditioner work? Now here I am not denying the fact that conditioner contains chemicals but that’s the same case with Shampoo; right? Our shampoo too contains lots of chemicals; isn’t it? but we still use them. The benefits that you get using conditioner are way more than any bad effects to your hair..!!

Now as you do not use conditioner; you feel your get rough hair. And addition to that you apply Heena regularly. For color; its fine but the drawback of Heena is; it makes your hair dry in long term.

So No Conditioner + Heena makes your hair Dry. And dry hair going have breakage; as they are not nourished and healthy and you get hair fall as result. So I suggest start using a good quality conditioner with shampoo. It is necessary.

What Else You Can do?

A Hair Pack for You (Home Remedy)
Take Egg White. Add some honey and Caster Oil. And apply it gently to your scalp and length. Keep it for an hour or so and rinse it with plain water. Do shampoo next day not on the same day, and apply this pack with clean washed hair only. Repeat it twice in a month. This will help you in premature greying and it will provide nourishment to your hair and your hair will be stronger from roots; which will result in lesser hair fall.

hair spa at home

hair spa at home

Hair Oil
Apply hair oil twice in a week. You can take any good hair oil of your choice. I tried MABH hair oil and Banjaara hair oil. They are good. Or you can choose hair oil what you like. But make sure you apply hair oil with clean hair only.

MABH Herbals Fast Growth Hair Oil

MABH Herbals Fast Growth Hair Oil

Omega 3 Tablets
I am sure this works for hair and for overall body. I am taking omega3 tablets by Oriflame and i am seeing good results already. You can take Oriflame omega 3 tablets or any other good brand for the same. There are no side effects. Not at and all..!! and it helps for sure. So do that.

Hair Mask
Purchase a good quality hair mask from an organic brand. And use it after shampoo. Hair mask give extra nourishment to your hair. I recommend doing it twice in a month.

Sand for Soapaholics Hair Force Mask

Sand for Soapaholics Hair Force Mask

Aaranya Hair Pack Argan Oil

Aaranya Hair Pack Argan Oil

Why these extra steps required? Shampoo and Occasionally use of home remedies is not sufficient?
Well, what if I tell you, just keep your stomach clean.. !! Don’t eat. Will you survive? Similarly when you shampoo your hair you are cleaning them. What about food. Shampoos cannot provide nourishment to your hair. So for healthy hair, you must take extra steps like hair pack, hair oil, hair mask, omega 3 etc.

So that’s all from my side Neha. Hope this may help you.

Again last but not the least, if you do not get results immediately, acknowledge your efforts. And try to build all these steps as habit and regular hair care routine. I am sure you will get results and with habit; it won’t be tough. Always remember – to develop a habit you should at least give 100 days of best honest efforts.

All the best sweetie

And Best wishes for your marriage.

Thanks again for writing and I hope I answered your question.
Lots of Love

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