Books Magazine

Question About Audio Books AND Weekly Friday Memes

By Bookaholic @BookReflections
HELP!!Question about Audio Books AND Weekly Friday MemesBefore we get in the nitty gritty of Friday and Memes, I have two quick questions about audio books.  I've never listened to an audiobook.  I've always had the mindset that listening to a book is besides the point.  But I have a couple of back-to-back roadtrips coming up and I thought I would give it a try.  So please help me with my little endeavor.
1.  Where do you buy/obtain your audiobooks?
2.  What is a good book for my first audioread?

Question about Audio Books AND Weekly Friday Memes
Question about Audio Books AND Weekly Friday MemesBook Blogger Hop

Follow Friday is Hosted by Parajuunkee's View.
Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jen @ Crazy-for-books
Follow Friday Question of the Week:
Share your favorite TV show!  Tell us a bit about it...
My Answer:

I don't have just one favorite TV show.  I tried and tried to narrow it down to one and I just can't.  I have a favorite show for each day of the week so I have to share them all to be fair to my love for each one.

Question about Audio Books AND Weekly Friday Memes
Monday = House: It has everything... great music on each episode, and sarcasm.  House is brilliant but he has so many issues that you can't help but love him and cringe at a the same time.

Question about Audio Books AND Weekly Friday Memes
Tuesday = Glee: My husband loves this show too (true story!).  I also like musicals.  So it would follow that Glee would be right up on my list.  But it is so much more than singing.  They choose great songs, put a twist on it and I come back each week wanting more.
Question about Audio Books AND Weekly Friday Memes
Wednesday = American Idol: More singing I know.  I thought this season would be lame, but it has been surprisingly good.   I have pouted and quit watching midway through previous seasons, but I keep coming back for more.
Question about Audio Books AND Weekly Friday Memes
Thursday = Bones.  A macho FBI guy looking for love and a literal-minded genius...who can ask for more?  Oh I know... A dead body for every episode and a mystery to solve.  I pull out my Nancy Drew skills every week and tune in.
I take a break Friday - Sunday to return to reading :)

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