1. Where do you buy/obtain your audiobooks?
2. What is a good book for my first audioread?

Monday = House: It has everything... great music on each episode, and sarcasm. House is brilliant but he has so many issues that you can't help but love him and cringe at a the same time.
Tuesday = Glee: My husband loves this show too (true story!). I also like musicals. So it would follow that Glee would be right up on my list. But it is so much more than singing. They choose great songs, put a twist on it and I come back each week wanting more.
Wednesday = American Idol: More singing I know. I thought this season would be lame, but it has been surprisingly good. I have pouted and quit watching midway through previous seasons, but I keep coming back for more.
Thursday = Bones. A macho FBI guy looking for love and a literal-minded genius...who can ask for more? Oh I know... A dead body for every episode and a mystery to solve. I pull out my Nancy Drew skills every week and tune in.
I take a break Friday - Sunday to return to reading :)