Life Coach Magazine
"Quality writing my boy, not just silly fictions. I want a real story with an amazing end." When I came out from my boss's office listening such discouraging words,I felt very low today morning. This was my third consecutive rejection in a week,one more rejection means that I should search a new job. I didn't waste time and started thinking about a new story but all ideas I had were similar to the previous ones and in no way they are near to reality. I went outside on the road and started walking which I usually do for a new idea. From busy road I came towards lonely streets where from a deserted dark corner I heard a voice calling my name. I walked towards there as he was saying that he had solution to my problems.
In that corner was standing a man with long black beard and dispersed hair covering most of his face except his big eyes,big red bulging eyes as if blood was flowing inside them. He was wearing a black attire and a garland of human skulls. I was trembling with fear,my lips seize to speak. He gave me a pen and said," this pen will write a real story and a right end for you,go and do your work." He suddenly disappeared ,I ran away from there and came back to office. I wanted to go home but my feet ran towards office everything was out of my control. I was not thinking but the pen given by that strange man was writing something very fast. Unexpectedly it stopped after few hours when everybody left the office, I collected all papers and ran towards lift. As I reached towards lift lights went off my fear increased with the darkness. But then I thought what was happened today was hallucinations due to stress of loosing my job and the reason I didn't remember the story I have written was my excitement. I thought to read it, I went back to my cabin with the help of Mobile's torch.
Our office has backup light but I wasn't aware why they were not working. I kept a chargeable table light in my cabin which I lit to read that story. As I read I found that it was my story about my life, my village,how my parents died,how I killed a man in meditation during hunting in jungle near my village,how I hide my crime with help of my friends,how I reached this city,how I study in college,earned my living with small jobs,how I got this job by a treachery with my close friend,how I succeeded,how my friends involved in hiding my crime strangely died. It mentioned the incident happened today morning,boss's scolding, my meeting with that strange man,my writing of that story with that pen,my leaving for home in a hurry,my reaching towards lift and then how that light went off and I started reading this story. It was written in the end that while reading it I was perspiring profusely, I came into tension,someone opened the door and killed me with his gun as clock struck quarter past twelve. I am perspiring,I am in tension and the door is opening,its quarter past twelve.
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Taking part in A to Z challenge and Ultimate Blog Challenge
Today's alphabet is Q and it's UBC DAY 19.