Lifestyle Magazine

Quarantine: Week One

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Quarantine: Week One

Photo credit: musicalwds on Visual hunt / CC BY-SA

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. Last week was the first week of quarantine for us due to the Corona Virus. These are interesting times. Never in the history of the world, have we ever had a situation like this, except for that one time when the Bubonic Plague hit, but we weren’t alive then, so that doesn’t count.

Quarantine: Week One

Photo credit: Ephemeral Scraps on Visual hunt / CC

When I think about it, it does scare me. This virus that spreads like wildfire leaving death and destruction in its path. This is very real. I know there were many people who felt like it was ‘fake news’ in the beginning and who can blame them? The way our media spins things and out right lies to the public, but this is a very real situation.

The only answer is social distancing and of course, washing your hands. Fortunately, we’ve been practicing it.  I feel fortunate that I work for a company that allows its employees to work from home. In the beginning it was a recommendation, but last Friday they closed the doors and all employees are required to work from home. Our schools have closed, and I haven’t been out of the house in a week. So far, we haven’t driven each other crazy, but who knows how long this quarantine will last.

Quarantine: Week One

There have been some positive changes due to this situation, though. Because people are staying home, the earth has started to self-correct. Pollution has been reduced and there are dolphins in the canals in Venice. That hasn’t happened in years, maybe being a part of the indoor generation isn’t a bad thing.

Quarantine: Week One

Photo on VisualHunt

I’ve also been able to spend more quality time with my family. The other night we all sat down and played Uno until eleven o’clock on a school night. I had the best time. Gone is the rigid schedule of dinner, homework, and bed. I’ve spent most of this weekend in my pajamas and helped my hubby with a home project we’ve been working on.  Last night we had movie night and binge watched “The Office” for a couple of episodes. My boys love that show and it was nice to laugh and enjoy each other’s company. I have a great relationship with my family, and it’s getting stronger because of the quarantine. This is a good thing.

Quarantine: Week One

Photo credit: hannah.rosen on Visual hunt / CC BY

My kids are learning to negotiate. This is another good thing. For example, the school created a website with lessons on it for each grade and subject. I expressed by excitement over this because I don’t want them on their computers all day. I also expressed that I wanted them to read for at least a half an hour each day and get outside and get some fresh air. My oldest immediately piped up and said, “We’ll get outside every day and read for a half an hour, if we don’t have to do the stuff on the school website.”

Quarantine: Week One

Photo credit: sozl on Visualhunt / CC BY-NC-SA

I laughed at this, but inside I was bursting with pride. It’s a good compromise. The schools will have to adjust to their students like they always have, and I’m confident my boys will get where they need to go educationally. So, if I get them outside for an hour each day and reading for a half an hour, it’s a win-win in my book. Plus, I’m helping build my son’s self esteem and reinforcing his problem solving abilities. Another win.

Let’s turn this horrible situation into a positive. This is an opportunity  to slow down and strengthen the bonds with the people we love. Do it before it’s too late. We don’t know who the virus is going to take from us. Make sure you leave memories of love.

Quarantine: Week One

Photo on VisualHunt

Stay healthy and safe my friends, and please know, I appreciate every one of you. I’ve made some great friends through the blogging community and I’ve enjoyed reading your blogs and connecting with all of you. Let’s keep up the good work and show the world that Corona Virus isn’t going to bring us down!

Thanks for reading my blog today. Do you have any news or statistics on the virus? Or maybe you have some recommendations on how to spend our time during the quarantine? If so, leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you!

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