Pets Magazine

Quality of Life

By Ciciwriter @suemagic


This is a rant. In case you want to be forewarned. It is not easy to decide when it is time for a pet to leave. Probably has to be one of the hardest decisions to make in life. And that is why I do NOT understand making it harder. But we human beans tend to make things more difficult than they have to be sometimes. Especially the times when we are most stressed. I have not yet had to make this decision. I had to give my first dog away because that was the right thing for me to do. And same with my cats, basically.

I understand that no one has to agree with me… and that I am not God. I realize that some people have more invested in illness or dysfunction or beliefs than they do in life and change and health…

yet it is frustrating for me when people REFUSE to even open up their minds a tiny crack/sliver to even discuss what they’ve already made up their mind to do. They have their minds so made up that they cannot hear anything other than people agreeing with them. If what someone else has to say is god forbid contradictory, the world is coming to an end. it is especially upsetting to me when this has to do with a life / death situation. Why choose death when you can choose life??? it is a mystery to me and perhaps the person does not see it this way.


Dogs, animals, pets always choose life. They live life in the present time and find JOY and Happiness. They do not relish illness nor prolong sickness. They GET OVER IT. They are not attached to being sick nor use illness as an excuse NOT TO LIVE.  Wallace was a great example. He lived a VERY FULL LIFE up until the end. He fought two types of cancers and lived one year beyond what the doctors told him he had to live. He had a bucket list and fulfilled most of it. He became a world champion ambassadog disc dog champion which was unheard of for a shelter dog, never mind a pit bull. Of course, his parents Roo and Clara Yori, deserve a lot of the credit. They knew when it was time for him to fight his illness and when it was time for him to leave this earthly plane.

when my grandmother was still alive, she decided that she was dying of cancer and no one was telling her not even her doctor. It turned out that she was wrong. She went all the way to Houston and was operated on by a world famous heart specialist Dr. Barnard, before he was REALLY famous. And he concluded that she had a heart aneurism and she died of that. Her belief that she was dying became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I have had clients who are 150% committed to doing things THEIR WAY, even if their way produces terrible results. They’d rather be RIGHT and fail. They see themselves as victims of life without any choices to make. But we are POWERFUL and we can ALWAYS make choices.

I know what it is like to cling to being right. I am not a stranger to indulging in moaning, groaning, blaming and complaining. Sometimes I am JUST PLAIN SLOW.  For instance, a few years ago, I had sprained my ankle falling off of a bike. And I walked around with a bandage on my foot. I went to a seminar and during the weekend, there was a time when we could choose to heal something in our lives. It could be anything we chose to heal. Of course, it was obvious that I SHOULD HAVE chosen to heal my ankle. But in a flash of total TRUTH I realized that I was not ready to have my ankle heal so I refused the healing. I was getting too much out of people giving me attention. I limped around for a few more days and then suddenly I realized I WAS DONE. So I called my dance studio and asked them where the dancers went when they sprained their legs. They gave me the number of a chiropractor, I made an appointment. He gave me a 20 minute excruciating treatment afterwards told me to walk on my ankle for twenty minutes. I did and my ankle was HEALED.

During that time I also worked with people who had HIV and AIDS and found that some people were committed to LIFE and others to DEATH. This was NOT usually a conscious choice but it was fairly obvious to others and very sad. Sometimes it made sense, other times not.

I have relieved 98% of my own symptoms of fibromyalgia, gone with the wind, no more aches, cramps, foggy brain, etc.

and I have met many many people who have fibro and are NOT the slightest bit interested in knowing what I did to relieve my pain. You would think that people would be flocking to my door to find out but sadly, no, they are not.

I have found numerous supplements, lotions, creams, treatments that take pain away from muscles and joints from my OWN experience, as well as products and protocols that have and are working with my dog to keep her healthy.

so yes, I still have issues when people who are sick, or who’s pets are sick, refuse to hear anything that could be constructive or change their situation. to me, it is fairly simple, I have a problem, let’s say, am getting a cold. I could get the cold and be sick for a week or I could nip it in the bud by taking raw apple cider vinegar, herbs and/or eating chicken soup. Why get the cold? the solutions do not ALwAYS work but mostly they do and if they don’t, I will not rest until I find something that does work. Solutions, resources, options set us free. Hanging onto problems keep us stuck, sick and out of balance.

Does that mean that I am ALWAYS solution oriented? No, I have my problem areas just like everyone else, blaming others, being unforgiving, complaining. AND I Know that I can choose any time to LET GO of the problem and go for the Solutions and be Healed.

Maybe it is the difference between believing in sickness or believing in wellness. That ALL sickness can be HEALED, relieved, and maybe even cured UNTIL it gets to a point of NO RETURN. Some people believe many conditions lead ONLY to suffering and death but that is not true. All over the world there are people and pets who have overcome illnesses that were said to be incurable. Fibromyalgia was said to be incurable. Well, then, I am a living example of someone who overcame an incurable illness. I have a friend who overcame HIV/AIDS, and others who overcame cancer and other illnesses.

We can believe in FEAR or LOVE, not both. We can believe in HEALTH or SICKNESS, not both.

I recently talked with my roommate’s mother who has arthritis and she had a lot of pain in her knees. I told her about a couple of lotions and potions that I use that help me. A few weeks later, we talked to her again and did she buy the lotion? no. why. oh she said, the pain just lasts a couple of days and then it’s gone. I can endure the pain for a few days, she said. but why endure the pain when you can relieve it? oh you prefer to suffer. she laughed but sadly, that was true.

I know that there are benefits to suffering. People feel sorry for you and do things for you. They give you attention. Pat you on the back.

but hey if you prefer to suffer, go ahead and enjoy your suffering. why should anyone try to take those benefits away from you. just do not expect me to pat you on the back and offer you sympathy when I know that YOU HAVE A CHOICE and YOU ARE CHOOSING SUFFERING and PAIN rather than LIFE and HEALTH.

Prolong your agony all that you want, but I am not going to be a cheerleader in your pity parade. and when you make it seem all noble that is called martyrhood and you are punishing others.

so don’t you dare try to shame and guilt me into feeling bad for having the audacity of trying to assist you in making a life affirming choice or at least discovering other options EXIST. For me, I could not stand to know that I could have chosen something else but that I was not even willing to open my brain and heart to it. That WHAT IF would plague me forever. Even if the WHAT IF is wrong for you, what do you have to lose ?  oh yeah, prolonging suffering, agony, and pain and all those stinky benefits of SICKNESS REIGNS.

We were not born to die of terrible illnesses. We were born to LIVE and have fun. And yes, there are tragedies that happen in the world and to good people. But most people do not experience that. Most of us live ordinary lives and can choose whether we fully embrace life or if we just endure it.

stinky cheese is what we used to call the benefits we get out of clinging to what does not work to produce LIFE. rats going through a maze after stinky cheese because they do not know any better. So they chase the impossible. Or they can go through a maze another way and find good cheese, their very possible dreams. Cheese that is good for them.

May the Highest good for ALL prevail … after a lifetime of stinky cheese, I prefer my own cheese with crackers, wine and some chocolate.    Blessed be.

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