I’m quite backed up in terms of reviews of 2024 titles. I wanted to shake things up a bit, so this is hopefully a first in a series for me. As of me writing this, I have not seen this movie. These thoughts are first impressions and immediate reactions to moments in the audio description track. I’m not sure, at the onset, who made this, who narrated, or who wrote it, so we’re in this cold. Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz star. Diaz hasn’t done a film in years, and you would think Netflix would give her a better slot than January. I digress.
And here we go…
We open on red “toweled” buildings in a European city? Words appear. I’m not sure what a red toweled roof is, but using my brain, I’m going to assume it was tiled, and I need to get my hearing checked.
We get a pretty good description of a room with antique furniture, and then a blonde, fiar skinned woman. I suppose, this is how we’re going to list the white people in the cast. I’m interested in how other cast will be introduced. We’re also told this is 15 years ago. So far, a decent description of the city, and this place, plus a white lady.
The white lady walks through a bathroom to a bedroom where a :”suave black man” with short hair and a beard sits. So, we are doing the “light skinned= white” thing, while black is black. I’m intrigued to know if the cast has any characters in the middle. I believe Diaz and Foxx make some babies here, so looking forward to those descriptions. Also, what is “suave” as a look? Handsome? Or like a ladies man? He takes a call, and we get some details about his clothing, while she looks sad about a pregnancy test, and then fixes her hair. This worked well around their dialog.
Then, we move to a shot of a coupe driving up a road to a palatial estate with multiple turrets. Feels European.Before they go inside, to the kids party, we see that he’s packing heat, which he stores with some other stuff in the glove box, like passports. The description here supports what likely is these two being spies, as Cameron is also putting in earpieces.
Now we have a dark haired white man. So, we are using that word. Gotcha.
Easily a minute of dialog with no way to add description.
A goateed white man among the guests. She approaches Gore, and he shakes her hand and lifts it.
After they get the fingerprint we get to a new room. An “elaborate office”. I have no idea what that means directly, so I’m just thinking this is a room full of shit. Lots of office type shit. The next bit of description is all about how they crack a safe. It was detailed, and it all worked. I followed it perfectly.
They trigger an alarm, and two thugs come in and try and block their escape, which is where we get our first taste of the description of the action sequence. It is brief, but done well. Random goons don’t need character description. they are intended to be disposable.
Now, we have a brown haired white man. He’s in a well described hangar, and we got some of his wardrobe choice in the description. This is a new character. I’ve noticed no one has been given an age range, and could be literally any age. Likely, this is due to the fact that Foxx and Diaz are the age they are, and are currently playing 15 years younger than that. That’s my guess. Presumably, so are other actors.
They board a passenger jet and settle into deluxe seats. At this point, no real description to how big this plane is, how many other seats, or anything else on it. We might only be here for a brief time, but I’m just mentioning it. I might have gone more with private jet if the plane was small, to suggest less opportunity for extra space.
She puts on a wooly sweater, while she denies the champagne. He stashes the special McGuffin in a duffel bag.
Not an audio description note, but when she dumps out a handful of pregnancy tests, I’m wondering… where was she keeping them? Like, this girl is a secret agent. She travels light. She found room for a fuck load of pregnancy tests just to have a scene where Jamie Foxx touches stuff she peed on? Really?
Dylan delivers Champagne in an ice bucket with a single flute glass. Loving this.
Leaning in for a kiss, she wretches and covers her mouth. The leaning in was important, because I wouldn’t have gotten that just from the movie, though Cameron does make a vomiting noise. Nice line of AD.
A few beats later, we have another well choreographed, well described fight sequence with Dylan and some “goons”. Again, i love that the goons are just goons. I also love how this film uses these old fashioned jazz standards during these fight sequences. Also, props to some solid sound mixing so far.
Then, we have a well described plane crash sequence. Seems like Netflix spent some money on this film.
An “evergreen filled valley”. nice.
Tromping through the snowy wilderness, he carries the folded parachute. Something tells me, these two should look like hot messes after that. Hopefully this parachute comes in handy. I would have gone with descriptions of them looking like shit after a plane crash instead. Unless this movie sucks, and they look like they walked off a model runway. Also, an option.
They stop at a ridge with a panoramic view… of what?
Oh, we get it later. Ok. God, I’m just now at the title. This QC is gonna be long.
Now we are in a kitchen. Just a kitchen. They have two kids, Alice and leo. Lots of dialog here with little room for audio description.
Preteen Leo arrives. he has a plate of waffles. No idea what Leo looks like, but that was his character introduction. No hairstyle yet, clothing, height, glasses, or anything. Just making a note. He’s got waffles though. Side note: now I want waffles. Oh, he does have dark hair in short coils. We’re building a character here.
Pretty sure we did a whole scene with the daughter and no introduction. to be fair, Jamie and Cameron won’t stop talking. but, now we’re in the car, and leo is the only established child, and he’s stuffing shit in car seats. Also. This is the family van. Alice has headphones! Does she have anything else? A phone!
Leo and Alice head to school. Alice is a little underdescribed at this point. Alice, who i don’t know anything about except her headphones, meets a boy with shaggy hair. i have a feeling we are dodging describing Alice and leo as they would be mixed race, and that likely is causing contention. Though, technically, a bunch of other people are white. Cameron is fair skinned.
Then we have a scene where Jamie and Cameron spy on their daughter who kisses the curly haired white boy who is 16 and named James. They each have binoculars. This is comedy.At night, Emily is alone in the living room. I’m starting to miss the grandiose description of locations for the European buildings. Kitchen. living Room.We know it is night, supported by audio description and cricket noises. Cameron is creeping on a laptop now. She thinks the password is Alice1234. LOL.
She tries AReynolds1234. She thinks her daughter is an idiot. Jamie comes in eating grapes. I know very little about this house, and what they are wearing as regular mom and dad, but we press on.They are doing a good job in the description of showing some open chat window, though I don’t know why it is showing if she isn’t logged in. Movie logic. Parents head to embarrass their kid. We get a solid description of a club in just a few words. Alice is seen, and we learn now that she has long curls, as well as a skimpy top. An older boy steps in. I’m assuming we don’t need to know much more.Onlookers record with their phones. Are they really causing that much of a stir? People are watching this really mundane interaction? How many?
Another well described fight sequence where some dumbass teen boys try to fight these boomers. Unfortunately, people recorded this. Alice is going to get her family killed. Through dialogue, we learn she’s 14.
This daughter is insufferable. She wants to get her GED at 14. lol
Scenes alternate between parents and kids. OK. Now, in this alternating moment, we do have the kids… somewhere else. We’ve only really been given “Kitchen” and “Living Room”. I have no idea how big this home is, or what the other rooms are. I think Alice just barged into Leo’s room, but where are Jamie and Cameron? OK. Later we find out that Jamie and Cameron are “in their bedroom”, but have they been there for this whole conversation? Or did it take place through multiple rooms? The next day, someone is at the door. It’s Chuck! From back in the day! Was that the black haired white guy, or the brown haired white guy? Or someone else? Props if it is Zachary Levi from the TV show chuck.
This is where we learn they are back on the radar now, and people want them dead. No one ever found the McGuffin. Then, suddenly Chuck is shot! No warning! Excellent AD! there’s some shit going down now! Everyone is shooting out windows, and Jamie and Cameron are ducking and covering. They head in, grab what I assume is a go bag, and a leaf blower, and head for their car. Are the kids home?
I caught “the other garage door”, meaning they have multiple. So instead of simply having a two-car garage, they have likely two singles, or, an additional one beyond the main garage. This house must be pretty decent in size.
Three black SUV’s give chase. Car colors for the win! This car chase is well described. They use a coke bottle pretty interestingly. Also, this car chase is full of exposition through dialog. They swing by and pick up Alice and Leo, and then we are in a congested airport. Maybe Jason Bateman is still hanging around looking for his carry on.
Cameron has passports and tickets. During the flight, the kids sleep in their seats. How are they in proximity to their parents? At another congested airport. Now we’re in England. I wonder if they used the same airport, and just shot it differently, or if they really used two different congested airports. We got a sign that says Welcome To London. Nice.
they descend steps to a transportation hub. Three black cars with flashing lights. You know it’s serious, because every car described thus far is black. The British guy from earlier emerges as the family leaves in a bus, and now he has a black femal partner. Additional agents, tactical gear! It is getting real!
A bald thug watches them.How was this dude on a random bus? Is there a crime syndicate so big they just have random thugs on buses just in case. Because you never know? they might take that bus… or they might do something else? Come on movie. Make it make sense.
We also get an indication of subtitles, as this thug makes a phone call not in English. We have a male voice joining our female narrator to dub these guys. It goes between gore (from the opening sequence) and this thug. I appreciate the use of a second voice here. Cameron deliberately bumps an older man as she exits the bus. She basically picked his pocket, so now they have a Land Rover. We have to allow for this car ride. Nothing much happens, except a solid needle drop for the soundtrack. Eventually, they arrive somewhere. The kids go into a very weird British restaurant serving the most British of British food. Leo has a gaming device.
Lots of exposition, and the thug is following in a car, still talking to Gore. A mustached biker, and some other well described, but ethnically void, bikers come in for another fight sequence. Basically, they are versions of goons. this gives Jamie some solid opportunities to use the gas to create fire. All of the fight sequences have been really well written, with intricate fight choreography.
Baron arrives to give chase. They find a way to lose him though. There’s still an hour left.
A lot of dialog and exposition with no room for audio description.
Baron’s partner wondered how he learned about the location. Uh oh. Shady. i hope she gets a name quickly, because she may be a disposable partner. She’s clearly not in on whatever or whoever he’s working for. They are tracking the gaming device Jamie threw out the window into a truck headed in an opposite direction.
They arrive at Foxglove Manor (or something like that), which has its own set of iron gates. I feel like every home but their home has excellent description.They view a monumental estate. Monumental is a bit subjective, but I’ll take it. They park on a grassy shoulder overlooking forests, and then we see the manor again, and this one also has turrets. turrets are all the rage.
A dead game bird lands in front of them. Grandma shows up with her gun and a tweed jacket. The shotgun is vintage. Love that little tidbit. Leo tries to pick up the bird. the kids look into an ornate living room with fancy furniture. A huge old fashioned kitchen. We’re way ahead on the description of this house. A young brunette man with a beard comes in. Grandma has a younger boyfriend!
They find the gaming device, and we see how they deduce where the family might be now. All well described.
The silly boy toy has a fun scene with the kids. Well described.
We hear Alice eavesdropping on her parents conversation with her grandmother. Important, I’m sure. She hears how her mom wants to be present in her life, and that her grandmother wasn’t. Then Alice is spotted, and she goes away.
Baron believes he knows where they are, and is at the estate. Baron is waiting for authorization.Alice explores the house. I love the baby grand piano. nice touch. Description of some photos. This home is so well described right now. I have no idea what the previous house looked like in comparison.
Black vans. Threatening individuals in tactical gear with weapons. We know shit is about to go down. Obviously, baron is dirty as all hell. Get ready for another exciting action sequence. If they are at the gates though… then where are Baron, his partner, and the other officials? How many gates does this estate have?
Meanwhile, Cameron and Jamie have been on a walkabout through this expansive estate. They crossed a footbridge, went down some steps, and passed some rickety shit. All of this means her mom has a big ass place, and it is old as hell. Dark damp passageway. they can see their reflections in a pool. An alcove of vines. this description is fantastic. She pulls out an item wrapped in cloth, and then reads a note. He finds the key. A black helicopter lands.
Cameron has to free her mom back at the house, and also free Nigel. A team of well armed people swarm in. In another room, the kids are bound and gagged. These guys move fast. Chuck is still alive!
If Chuck is here, who has baron been calling? Is everyone a bad guy? Chuck hands it to a short haired shite woman in a yellow jacket. Love the description.
Grandma is going to save the day. Chuck lost his dog. lol. Grandma is kicking some ass. She pours cooking oil on the floor, and has a hot griddle. Cameron and Jamie grab some guns, but goons take the kids.
That was a really well done sequence. the adults watch a video that shows Leo is wearing a smart ring. So, they can track him. That foreshadowing earlier between leo and Nigel meant something.
Jamie and Cameron track Chuck, the random woman, and the kids to a well guarded event. Chuck is also now on the phone to Gore. Does everyone work for this guy? chuck was the one who originally stole it from Gore.
Affluent guests. I’m guessing well dressed guests? Rich people don’t always need to dress well. Look at Mark Zuckerberg.
A section of the city goes dark. Like, a big section? A small section? how big is the city? guests are noticing lights going out. Three brawny men in suits. The random woman is doing a bunch of tech shit. It’s well described. More brawny men as we see Jamie and Cameron step out of an elevator, clearly having already defeated the original brawny men. Everyone is brawny. but, this is an opportunity for another well written fight sequence, where a dope song plays in the background.
Baron and Wendy show up. I’m guessing the black female was Wendy?
Baron’s team is there for a fight. We’re in a complex chase sequence with goons moving the kids, and Jamie and Cameron trying to get to them. The female biker is back. Luckily, Grandma is a boss sniper. Now, the female biker makes a phone call, and it was the same female who is narrating who did the translation. Just making a note.
A solid action chase sequence. Tooo complicated to break down, but I’m loving all the action scenes. As a side note, I wonder how much of this fight choreography Cameron Diaz actually did. Cameron steals a boat, and Jamie has to figure out how to get on it. They are now in a boat chase with chuck who likely still has the kids.
Daphne is exiting. Which one was daphne? Is that the yellow dress lady? Whoever she is, Nigel fucks her up. Daphne has the key, and Nigel notices. Nigel is really bad at using computers. Like, really bad.
This boat chase is excellent. Leo and Alice are joining in on the fight. Nigel accidentally gets to where he needs to go on the computer. I think the boat is moving too fast for those kids to be thrown overboard with no consequence, even with life vests. But that’s just me.
There’s a great explosion, and well described.
“On the pier, in the dim light of dawn.” Love that. That line is delicious. Cameron and grandma share a loving hug. In daytime, Alice is given a ton of description about her soccer game, to let us know that life has returned to normal. this soccer game hasn’t even started, and the description is already at a 10/10. She kicks fiercely. Grandma is at the game too! It is a happy ending for everyone!
They leave the soccer game, and I’m not really sure if they are in the parking lot or somewhere else. But, everyone is still having family bonding, even Nigel. “they climb into a car.” No more vans! Oh, Baron is in the back seat. What a creeper. Still, how did he know all those things earlier?
We set up a sequel right at the end. And the credits roll with animated letters!
Descriptive Video Works
Written By Beth Rand
Narrated By Nefertiti Matos-Soler Varez
Lots of credits being described. We also had Andrew Scott, Kyle Chandler, and Glenn Close. Additional credits roll, and then we go silent. So I’m done!
Who boy. That was a long one. To hours. All initial thoughts. I actually enjoyed this. It felt like a typical popcorn time waster. Not a bad way to start 2025, and Netflix made way worse last year. I’m so happy Diaz is acting again. So, to summarize my thoughts:
Fantastic action sequences. Every fight scene was a 10/10. Nefertiti was great, and i didn’t even recognize her voice on it. I should have. Lots of solid character descriptions, though I think Alice was underdescribed, and no one was ever given an age range except the older man whose car gets stolen. Also, there’s mention of Nigel being younger. the house that Jamie and Cameron and the family live in is oddly underdescribed compared to every other interior in the movie. but, this film is very dialog heavy, and I appreciated all the definitions of characters. They dodged describing the skin tones of the kids, because they are bi-racial, so everyone was either white, black, not described, or in the case of Cameron Diaz, “fair skinned”. I’m sure there was a reason for that.
there wasn’t a big moment where I felt completely lost. there were a couple of moments my head had some questions, or I could have used more detail, but I was never lost. A really strong track overall. Hope my stream of consciousness on this makes sense, and thanks to the team at DVW for delivering a really strong track.
Final Grades:
the Film: B
the Audio Description Track: A-