Fashion Magazine

Quad Biking in Sherwood Forest

By Annamoss84 @missanniebean
The other weekend my other half and I decided we'd head out for an adventure.  It's very rare we both get a weekend off together so we wanted to make sure we had something fun planned. 
Quad Biking in Sherwood Forest Often when you're in a long term relationship you can get a bit stuck in a rut after many years, so shaking up your routine is always a healthy step forward.  We decided we would go Quad Biking in Sherwood Forest, what a fantastic way to do something exciting together! Dodging the trees and racing through the mud... where do I sign up?!  We booked our fun morning through Xperience Days for £75.00 for us both and we were ready to roll.
Quad Biking in Sherwood Forest  Quad Biking in Sherwood Forest Now I haven't been quad biking since I was a kids camp instructor in surrey, so this was going to be interesting but my goodness I was excited.  We arrived in the car park of Adrenalin Jungle where it was hosted, we were then greeted by the schedule attendant and their jungle dog who were patrolling all visitors.
Quad Biking in Sherwood Forest We did have to wait about a bit in the carpark whilst hen dos and stag dos went in, which I must admit was quite frustrating because I just wanted to sit down with a cup of tea before we started! There was no cafe or even seats whilst you waited so we simply wandered about waiting until 4 others arrived to join our group. 
Once we were called through I understood a bit more why we were held back, there was a den in the middle of the trees which played host to the Adrenalin Jungle activities and at the present time it was full of groups waiting to do activities. We went in and were immediately given out overalls and helmets. We had a thorough team talk about how to use the bike, how to position ourselves and various hazards to be aware of.  After that my nerves started to kick in... what if I slowed the group down? What if I was terrible? 
As I was the wimp of the group I sat behind the leader at the front.  We were told we'd do a few small laps to get started and then head into the forest. 
Quad Biking in Sherwood Forest Quad Biking in Sherwood Forest  As we got going I started to get the hang of it but got slightly ahead of myself and almost crashed into a tree! Great start.  As we headed into the forest we went splashing through puddles, over the mud, up and down hills and weaved in and out of the plants.  It was absolutely fantastic!  I think my favorite part was when the track went straight and you could go really fast knowing you weren't needing to turn suddenly! 
There was such an adrenalin rush to racing around Sherwood Forest on quad bikes... in the mud! It was an amazing experience and one I'd really reccommend.  As I mentioned there were lots of hen dos and stag dos there but equally so you could get a group together and go for a day out!
If you're interested in taking your partner or maybe your best friend Quad Biking, make sure you have a quick browse at Xperience Days, I was amazed at how much I could do in my local area and there was allsorts you chose from. 
I think I've got the adrenalin bug and need another adventure... what shall we do next?! 
Quad Biking in Sherwood Forest xoxo

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