Fashion Magazine

"Qu'ils Mangent De La Brioche!"

By Mmpotrony @mmpotrony
Well, as I said in a previous post, here is one of the Marie Antoinette Shoe Designs. I will start with this one because some people email me and ask for this one in specific, soo here it is! Everyone, feel free to email me for any question, suggestion, require... anything!Ok, so this shoe design was inspired by the famous sentence that was attributed to the last queen of France, "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" -Let them eat cake-, but actually some people say, that the ferase was falsely attributed to Marie Antoniette, and that it was said years before bye Maria Teresa de Asturia, wife of Luis XIV -I'm really attracted to all of this royal histories and the fantasy and mystery they involve-.Even though the sentence was not actually pronounced by her, it manage to create the infamous image of Marie Antoinette that we all have now days of her, and helped her become a legend. It was that big of a deal, that in Sofia Coppola's movie, Marie Antoinette, there was a scene specifically for that sentence. So I couldn't help it but to feel inspired by those simple words.Marinee.

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