TV & Video Magazine

Q&A with Carrie Preston and What Its Like to Say Good-bye to True Blood

Posted on the 03 June 2014 by Thevault @The_Vault

Carrie+Preston+Veep+Season+3+Premiere+Event+uTfRKU-kqvIlIn a recent interview, Carrie Preston (Arlene) talks about her Emmy for her guest appearance on The Good Wife and also about the end of True Blood.

Carrie won the Guest Actress Emmy for her recurring role on “The Good Wife” last year over such industry heavyweights such as Jane Fonda and Joan Cusack. Reflecting on her upset victory during a recent webcam chat (watch below), she revealed:

I was sitting there for a good three hours before my category even comes up and I’m noticing the whole time how in the Creative Arts Emmys they give you one minute from when your name is called to get up on stage to say your speech and leave.”

So, she decided: “‘If I win, and there is no way I am going to … they are not going to turn my mike off …’ and so when they called my name it was just utter shock but it was also ‘I had a task.’ I didn’t even kiss my husband … I bolted, I’ve never run that fast on heels in my life. And then before i know it, the speech was over and I was backstage going ‘What just happened?’ and for the rest of the night it really did felt like my feet never touched the ground; it was pure elation.”

In the video below at about 17 minutes into the interview, Carrie shares a bit about the end of True Blood.

She says that the cast have now received the final script for the season and reality of the inevitable end is setting in.

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