Ok, well, I always wanted to be a sleuth… Reading Nancy Drew books when I was a pre-teenager, I imagined what it would be like to solve mysteries. Fast forward to yesterday. I had a chance to figure out (once again) what is going on with Cici’s sensitive skin (why it keeps getting rashy and blotchy and itchy). First, I realized after slathering her up with cream that she did indeed have fleas. Saw several critters fleeing as I slathered. Been trying different natural remedies for the fleas and the rashes and it seemed last week that the coconut oil plus spraying the bedding with a mixture of water and Oregano oil was working. Cici LOVES the coconut oil, laps it up as well as licks it off her fur but the rashes and itchiness was going away. It is organic virgin Coconut Oil from Trader Joe’s. Am going to get a few more jars. They’re about $7 for a jar (16 fl. oz).

Coconut oil has other benefits … skin smells good. weight loss, if that is an issue, keeping your dog slim and trim. Keeps the yeast away. Helps with arthritis / joints.
“the lauric acid in coconut oil has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. Capric and caprylic acid have similar properties and are best known for their anti-fungal effects.”

Until yesterday it seemed to be working. And it was strange because she had slept with me (as she did last night too) and I took her for a walk and fed her, gave her a few treats and she seemed just fine and dandy. Then I had brought her back to the bedroom for her after breakfast nap and noticed that she was all blotchy and rashy again. What possibly could have happened? I kept going over the events and decided to look up the ingredients of the treats. Voila. I also found out that I gave her too many of them. (Am not a big follower of instructions but sometimes it is important to do so). It was suggested to give only 1 or 2 a day and I had given her five or six or seven. Oops. Not only that but one of the ingredients was rosemary.
A few weeks ago when this all had started up again I had sprayed her with an all natural flea spray that ALSO had rosemary as one of the ingredients. I think I also oversprayed her too. She did NOT have a problem, I don’t think, with the Salmon oil that had rosemary in it but maybe that is not true. All I know is that there is a common denominator here and it seems to be the MISSING LINK.
So there you have it folks. No more Rosemary for Cici. It is good to be cautious when it comes to herbs, essential oils, and other natural remedies as well as regular treatments. Some may be too strong for you and/or your poochie pals. Tea tree oil, clove, oregano, cinnamon bark, are some oils that can burn when put on the skin (and more). They have beneficial properties but proceed with caution, dilute, dilute, dilute and for some, do not use at all. Ask your vet (holistic vet). Tis better to be safe than sorry… don’t let the flea bugs bite !!!!
Put the dog in the Coconut…