As a marketer, you must constantly question whether your current strategy for reaching your target audience is producing the desired results. How do you plan on keeping them enthusiastic about what you have to say?
Marketers have been employing various digital marketing channels to spread brand awareness for years. Two effective methods of reaching your audience are push alerts and email marketing. Push notifications are very new, unlike email marketing, which has been around for quite some time. This post will educate you on the benefits and drawbacks of using push notifications vs. email marketing.
Overview of push notifications vs email marketing
1. Push notifications
Notifications vs EmailPush notifications are a relatively new marketing method to keep people engaged, and they have quickly become trendy. They first appeared on social media platforms, but with the rise of mobile apps, they’ve quickly become routine for most smartphone users.
Screen-based “push notifications” send a wide variety of information, including time-sensitive updates, transactional messages, behavioral nudges, and more, directly to the user’s device. Users can subscribe to a brand’s push notifications via their mobile app and web browser.
Subscribed users are the only ones who will receive your messages via push notifications. To ensure the effectiveness of your push initiatives, getting a high number of opt-in push notification recipients is essential.
- Real-time communication with customers is made possible via push notifications. Thanks to automated
- triggers, you may present the ideal content to the ideal customers at the perfect time.
- Push notifications to let people sign up without giving their personal information.
- Push campaigns can save a lot of time because they can fully automate targeting based on location, behavior, and preferences.
- It’s been shown that push notifications improve the number of people who sign up, click through, and buy.
- Push notifications are only sent to users’ devices when connected to the Internet.
- If push notifications are misused, users may become annoyed and choose to disable them or uninstall the app altogether.
- Push notifications work well when there is already a lot of loyalty. First-time customers are unlikely to sign up for your notifications after just one encounter with your company.
2. Email marketing- WordPress themes and plugins
Notifications vs EmailEmail marketing services and third-party marketing tools are used today to send promotional emails. Brands use this channel to communicate with consumers who have opted to receive their messages in this format.
Brand newsletters, receipts for online purchases, and holiday sales alerts are examples of the wide variety of content that may be distributed by electronic mail. Despite email’s longer history as a message channel than push notifications, the email ecosystem and user-contact techniques are continually evolving.
- There are several options for creating visually pleasing email templates for marketing campaigns.
- Emails can attach files, which means they can be used to send long pieces of information.
- You can split your target audience into smaller groups and send each group a different email.
Your emails might not be sent because they end up in the spam box instead of the primary inbox of the person you sent them to. Words and phrases commonly used in spam are easily recognizable by spam filters and so blocked.
It’s not suitable for the information that needs to be sent quickly.
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3. Email vs Push Notifications
Let’s assume you’re in the middle of something on your phone when you get a message that reads, “50% off on all products.” Will this not pique your curiosity about the goods inside? There are a lot of people who will click it to find out the truth. Conversely, you’ve received an email with a message that, in just 100 words, aims to express the same thing.
Frequently, recipients of one’s email do nothing with the information included inside. According to the results of these polls, many recipients delete their email without even opening it because they mistakenly believe it to be spam. Not everyone wants to receive emails, though, so many people unsubscribe.
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4. Content size matters
Push Notifications
Brief and to the point. The key is to use audience-specific language. It’s been shown that people are more likely to read a succinct message than to read a lengthy one.
They’re too wordy (60 words or more) and take too long to read. Emails follow a specific format and are lengthy and dense with words. Many recipients delete marketing emails like this.
Easy Subscription
Push Notifications:
When it comes to convenient, one-click subscriptions, they rank better on the platform. When a user is online, push alerts can be provided, increasing the likelihood that they will subscribe. There are no problems with shipping.
Unfortunately, not many individuals sign up because most people delete unsolicited emails. In addition to dealing with recipients’ inboxes and spam filters, there are several administrative details to attend to before sending an email.
Also Reda: Create Push Notifications with these WordPress plugins
5. Click-Through Rate
Push Notifications
Since the bounce rate is practically nonexistent and the message is immediately appealing, they receive more clicks. Always focus on your ideal customer, as they will only click on the content they find interesting.
Very few people are persuaded to visit the sites advertised in emails. Every day, a lot of emails are returned undeliverable or ignored.
6. Optimization rate
Push notifications
Various studies have found that push notifications have an optimization rate of around 12%. There are several variables at play here. The first is that the piece is concise and conveys its meaning without ambiguity. It’s simple to understand. Thus no one ever fails to read it.
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Even if just half of the people who receive push notifications read them, their optimization rate is only 1.9%. Due to the widespread perception that marketing emails are spam, recipients may ignore them. They often get their attempts at delivery back to them.
Conclusion of Notifications vs Email
This makes it abundantly evident that while push notifications and email marketing share certain similarities, they are fundamentally different strategies. Be careful not to transfer your email marketing tactics onto push notifications. You must develop unique and innovative approaches to benefit from the push’s potential fully. In addition, you need to understand what brings in the most revenue for your company.
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