Andy Warhol’s famous dictum that “Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.” in an age of media and internet saturation sounds less like an off hand quip and more a prescient statement of fact.. It is fitting then that the inspiration for the series of darkly reductive artworks created by artist Pure Evil that make up the core of the Last Good Time show was an email full of thumbnail images received from a Chinese company specializing in the reproduction of the classic canon of western artwork, produced by an entire copy village indifferently mass producing Rembrandts and Warhols .
From this spark came further artworks in a series built on the idea of the tragic muse, the 'POP' combustibility of creative relationships and the dark side of the classic glamour of the age prior to tabloid overload, seen through the ghostly tear filled eyes of Elizabeth Taylor, Li Tobler, Sylvette Davide or Brigitte Bardot.
Pure Evil's THE LAST GOOD TIME opens at XOYO on Cowper Street this Thursday 4th August 2011, Starts at 6pm. Show runs until September 8th 2011.
XOYO — Cowper Street — London — EC2A 4AP