Puppies grow incredibly fast and providing them with proper nutrition is important to make their teeth, bones, and muscles stronger. Proper puppy food likewise supplies energy needed for puppy training and playing.
(Check out Four Forms of Commercially Prepared Dog Food)
The question is: out of all the variety of food for puppies and dogs out there, how can you choose the best one for your pup. Another concern is where you’ll get the food for your pet. Take the following pointers into consideration when deciding what kind of food you’d buy for your pup.
Difference between puppy food and adult dog food
Food and treats for puppies are meant to help them build their bones and muscles, as well as to help them develop their organs properly. Adult dog foods are meant for maintenance.
When to give solid food
Start giving your puppy solid food starting at about his fourth week. This is the time when you pup isn’t able to get all the nutrients he needs from his mother’s milk. For puppies eight weeks old and younger, vets recommend that their solid food must be moisten until it feels spongy.

Knowing the right kind of food to give your pup is as important as learning how and when to feed him. *
Knowing the puppy food you buy meet your pup’s body needs
The first thing that you can do to understand what your puppy needs nutrition-wise is to discuss it with your pet’s vet. S/He will recommend the kinds of food your puppy needs.
Another tip is to always check the package label of what you’re buying. The label must give the life stage the puppy or dog food is suitable for.
After four to six weeks on the food, evaluate your puppy’s health. During this time, he must be full of energy. Checking out your pup’s poop (must be formed and brown in color) is also a vital way of checking if the food works for your puppy.
Recommended eating schedule and routine
From weaning up to six months, your puppy should eat thrice a day. After six months, you can practice two times a day feedings.
As for how much food you need to feed your puppy, you can check out feeding charts from your vet or commercial puppy food product packages. Follow the guidelines but you may adjust it to keep your pet’s health in best condition.
Buying the correct puppy food to sustain your pet’s needs is an important responsibility. But don’t fret about it. Talk to your vet, do your research, observe your pup. Do all of these and you and your furry friend will be fine.