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Puppy Care: Handling and Interaction

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
puppy care

For that appealing puppy to grow into the perfect pet, you need to put in lots of work. This will be hard – common sense, inclination and the will to apply certain training principles and procedures into training your puppy how to behave and perform as you wish him to will do the trick nicely.


Establishing yourselves as higher in rank than your puppy is one of the most important and kindest puppy care things you and your family can do for him as he grows into adolescence and adulthood. By firmly establishing his place at the bottom of the pack, you’re helping to ensure he has a much better quality of life when he grows up than a puppy that has been allowed to run riot and have all his own way.


puppy training

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Playing correctly with your puppy will help you form a strong bond with him, provide him with essential exercise and also lay the groundwork for behavior and obedience training. For instance, rolling a ball for him to chase can be developed into “fetch, recall and give” exercise. Therefore, play is ultimately vital for your puppy’s mental and physical well-being.

playing with puppy

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Keep games short and fun and end on a good note so they represent a positive experience for your puppy. Never get angry or impatient with him while playing together, or it will put him off playing positively, which will in turn hamper training progress as well as encourage undesirable behavior.

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